Ubuntu snappy is lame

ubuntu has just announced that snappy will replace 'apt' as the next generation of package manager for furture ubuntu releases. And for ubuntu 15.04 , there has been a release ubuntu core snappy 15.04 which ships with snappy without 'apt' at all. If you want to install anyother apps, you will have to download all the dependencies in one big package.

Ubuntu has declared that this is good for the stablity for application deployment for servers, mobile, and embeded platforms.

Here is serveral articles/discusses about 'snappy':

1) hackernews


2) Is Ubuntu moving away from .deb packages? Here is the complete story

Snappy will take the center stage at Ubuntu.


3) Snappy Ubuntu Core makes the Chillhub internet fridge a cool idea


4) Ubuntu jumps into Internet of Things with Acer, GE, and Microsoft

Yes, you read the headline correctly. Microsoft and Canonical are partnering up on IoT.

(F.Y.I Oh, MY LORD!)


Let's see what snappy really is.

Just follow this tutorial.


Then you would see this after starting a VM using qemu-kvm

And then let's SSH into the system

default username: ubuntu

default password: ubuntu

And let's see the information of snappy.

And I tried to install an app using snappy.

Actually I have installed some apps.

For example mosquitto.kartben

Ubuntu snappy has already shipped with some dependency libs all in one.

So. There is a folder '/apps/' which contains all those apps and their dependencies. This means ubuntu snappy needs more storage if there are some library dependency depulications.

And let's see.

All the dependency libs are packed at once. Damn, cool?

They say this is for stability of system. Yeah somehow. But that will not be hack-friendly.

So ubuntu is getting far away from GNU/Linux grandually.

Debian is your friend. But have you heard about the 'libc' syndrome? Let's face the real world.

Ubuntu has an ambition on IoT. They release snappy and make people confused about docker and other stuff. But snappy is kind of cool.

If you want to live with GNU/Linux, snappy is not your friend.

If you want to deploy fast and less painful, snappy could be a choice. And Docker is watching, dude.

And others are keeping cool.
