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 declare @str varchar(5000)
set @str = ''
select @str = @str + ' delete from ' + name from sysobjects
where xtype = 'U' and name not like 'HZ%' and name not like 'H6_Coin'
and name not like 'H6_Cost'
and name not like 'H6_StoreHouse'
and name not like 'H6_MaterialTypeAcc'
and name not like 'H6_MaterialTypeFab'
and name not like 'H6_NoteItem'
and name not like 'SC_WorkShop'
and name not like 'H6_Client'
and name not like 'H6_Provider'
and name not like 'H6_Processor'
and name not like 'H6_MaterialAcc'
and name not like 'H6_MaterialFab'

exec (@str)