

service或者systemd 启动服务模块

  • name --- 服务的名称
  • state --- 指定服务状态是停止或是运行
    • started --- 启动
    • stopped --- 停止
    • restarted --- 重启
    • reloaded --- 重载
  • enabled --- 是否让服务开启自启动
## web清单下主机安装httpd
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible web -m yum -a "name=httpd state=installed"
## web清单下主机写个主页
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible web -m copy -a "content='The is Ansible' dest='/var/www/html/index.html'"
## web清单下主机启动httpd,并开机启动
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible web -m service -a "name=httpd state=started enabled=yes"
web1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "enabled": true, 
    "name": "httpd", 
    "state": "started", 
    "status": {
## 访问一下网站(没有换行哈,并不影响使用)
[root@Ansible ~]# curl
The is Ansible[root@Ansible ~]# 
## web清单下主机关闭httpd,并开机不启动
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible web -m systemd -a "name=httpd state=stopped enabled=no"
web1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "enabled": false, 
    "name": "httpd", 
    "state": "stopped", 
    "status": {

script 远程执行脚本

[root@Ansible ~]# vim script.sh
echo "The is script"
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible hosts -m script -a "script.sh"
localhost | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "rc": 0, 
    "stderr": "", 
    "stderr_lines": [], 
    "stdout": "The is sctipt
    "stdout_lines": [
        "The is sctipt"
web1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "rc": 0, 
    "stderr": "Shared connection to web1 closed.
    "stderr_lines": [
        "Shared connection to web1 closed."
    "stdout": "The is sctipt
    "stdout_lines": [
        "The is sctipt"
nfs1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "rc": 0, 
    "stderr": "Shared connection to nfs1 closed.
    "stderr_lines": [
        "Shared connection to nfs1 closed."
    "stdout": "The is sctipt
    "stdout_lines": [
        "The is sctipt"

file 创建目录,创建文件,往文件写内容

  • path --- 指定远程主机目录或文件信息
  • recurse --- 递归授权
  • state --- 指定状态
    • directory --- 在远端创建目录
    • touch --- 在远端创建文件
    • link --- link或hard表示创建链接文件
    • absent --- 表示删除文件或目录
  • mode --- 设置文件或目录权限
  • owner --- 设置文件或目录属主信息
  • group --- 设置文件或目录属组信息
## nfs清单下主机创建目录
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m file -a "path=/tmp/sgy state=directory"
nfs1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "gid": 0, 
    "group": "root", 
    "mode": "0755", 
    "owner": "root", 
    "path": "/tmp/sgy", 
    "size": 6, 
    "state": "directory", 
    "uid": 0
## nfs清单下主机创建文件
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m file -a "path=/tmp/sgy state=touch mode=555 owner=root group=root"
nfs1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "dest": "/tmp/sgy", 
    "gid": 0, 
    "group": "root", 
    "mode": "0555", 
    "owner": "root", 
    "size": 6, 
    "state": "directory", 
    "uid": 0
## nfs清单下主机创建链接文件
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m file -a "src=/tmp/sgy path=/tmp/sgy_link state=link"
nfs1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "dest": "/tmp/sgy_link", 
    "gid": 0, 
    "group": "root", 
    "mode": "0777", 
    "owner": "root", 
    "size": 8, 
    "src": "/tmp/sgy", 
    "state": "link", 
    "uid": 0
## nfs清单下主机删除文件
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m file -a "path=/tmp/sgy state=absent"
nfs1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "path": "/tmp/sgy", 
    "state": "absent"

user 用户管理

  • name ---用户名
  • uid --- 指定用户的uid
  • comment ---用户描述信息
  • append ---是否添加一个新组
  • group --- 指定用户组名称
  • groups --- 指定附加组名称
  • password --- 给用户添加密码
  • shell --- 指定用户登录shell
  • create_home --- 是否创建家目录
  • expire ---过期时间
  • generate_ssh_key ---是否创建密钥对
  • ssh_key_bits ---密钥对字节数
  • ssh_key_file ---密钥对文件位置
  • state
    • absent --- 删除用户
  • remove ---是否移除家目录
## 创建系统用户sgy,并指定uid为888,加入组888,没有家目录,shell为/sbin/nologin
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m user -a "name=sgy uid=8888 group=8888 shell=/sbin/nologin create_home=false"
nfs1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "comment": "", 
    "create_home": false, 
    "group": 8888, 
    "home": "/home/sgy", 
    "name": "sgy", 
    "shell": "/sbin/nologin", 
    "state": "present", 
    "system": false, 
    "uid": 8888
## 删除用户(没有家目录的删除家目录)
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m user -a "name=sgy state=absent remove=yes"
nfs1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "force": false, 
    "name": "sgy", 
    "remove": true, 
    "state": "absent", 
    "stderr": "userdel:未找到 sgy 的主目录“/home/sgy”
    "stderr_lines": [
        "userdel:未找到 sgy 的主目录“/home/sgy”"
## 生成固定密文(下面创建用户用)
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible localhost -m debug -a "msg={{ '123.com' | password_hash('sha512', 'salt') }}"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "msg": "$6$salt$kr3ZAi2XWTAu9GZk24RNhaFTZ3uY5TY6kyi9O71DeAEattqxShwIEmAcIiDos.SIpACLAZYoVTdqegFSR.ubL/"
## 生成随机密文(下面创建用户用)
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible localhost -m debug -a "msg={{ '123.com' | password_hash('sha512') }}"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "msg": "$6$52/KtnaDqazWdlmz$JSvvZocdLRmh75SjxwZ50s2DVYiz5.JwXAsjki8VDDuj0kH47n0IUxeoXn/fKaPQszomXbeAAyWKO5TWLLrKF/"
## 创建普通用户,使用上面生成的密文设置密码(这个必须用单引号,防止解析密文。不要问我怎么知道的,这就是个坑),生成密钥对(可以直接把下面的公钥结果复制到自己的公钥文件中,实现密钥对访问)
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m user -a 'name=sgy uid=6666 group=root password=$6$52/KtnaDqazWdlmz$JSvvZocdLRmh75SjxwZ50s2DVYiz5.JwXAsjki8VDDuj0kH47n0IUxeoXn/fKaPQszomXbeAAyWKO5TWLLrKF/ generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048 ssh_key_file=.ssh/id_rsa'
nfs1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "comment": "", 
    "create_home": true, 
    "group": 0, 
    "home": "/home/sgy", 
    "name": "sgy", 
    "password": "NOT_LOGGING_PASSWORD", 
    "shell": "/bin/bash", 
    "ssh_fingerprint": "2048 SHA256:BEviA8kjstdFRYEu0a7EH2Mr+Tt3S99Zpfo3eZAX3OQ ansible-generated on Client1 (RSA)", 
    "ssh_key_file": "/home/sgy/.ssh/id_rsa", 
    "ssh_public_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDWiJ1kJ6ko7A7C4T1xL8qGn6d930VHr/wHfT2jEqkWltJI4E8niZa25B+un9cdgPzBn/RoLib2XwLkGpzRTTlm2ebQ1ST0PdCDff31SmNDHMwAIKXGtpDz1VXWX1ROsvPa6yitOjEDt/P55hVb2VN2Ph2idAv8aggBBHzMtg//0vKEFa6VGgYoJ0ww8H2Kur/19y+zxQGEhqAEx6+HG5bw0oXdrgfJm1DeULVKjVSgWybxUTczzRqhz0OmeEHdJmfWw530/3Yh52ym2I1FyC7O+RCkIGxnosBsCDzszz3L80OAPAFy5YCggLhZf+y9GY+Bpm0vy2PQp3L9b4g9Vtc3 ansible-generated on Client2", 
    "state": "present", 
    "system": false, 
    "uid": 6666

group 组管理

  • name --- 指定创建的组名
  • gid --- 指定组的gid
  • state
    • absent --- 移除远端主机的组
    • present --- 创建远端主机的组(默认)
## 创建组sgy,指定gid为888
[root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m group -a "name=sgy gid=888"
nfs1 | CHANGED => {
    "changed": true, 
    "gid": 888, 
    "name": "sgy", 
    "state": "present", 
    "system": false

cron 定时任务


  • name ---任务的描述
  • user ---以哪个用户身份运行
  • backup ---备份原任务计划(覆盖用到)
  • minute ---指定分钟
  • hour ---指定小时
  • day ---指定日期
  • month ---指定月份
  • weekday ---指定星期
  • special-time ---指定特殊时间(不常用)

  • reboot ---每次重启后执行
  • yearly或者annually ---每年执行
  • monthly ---每月执行
  • weekly ---每周执行
  • daily ---每天执行
  • hourly ---每时执行
  • job ---指定执行的命令
  • state
    • absent ---删除任务
  • disabled ---是否注释任务
  • ## 添加一条任务
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m cron -a "minute=0 hour=1 day=* month=* weekday=* job=pwd"
    nfs1 | CHANGED => {
        "changed": true, 
        "envs": [], 
        "jobs": [
    ## 添加一条重启执行的任务,添加描述和指定用户
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m cron -a "name='user info' user=root special_time=reboot job=id"
    nfs1 | CHANGED => {
        "changed": true, 
        "envs": [], 
        "jobs": [
            "user info"
    ## 查看任务
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m command -a "crontab -l"
    nfs1 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
    #Ansible: None
    0 1 * * * pwd
    #Ansible: user info
    @reboot id
    ## 注释任务user info
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m cron -a "name='user info' job=id disabled=yes"
    nfs1 | CHANGED => {
        "changed": true, 
        "envs": [], 
        "jobs": [
            "user info"
    ## 删除任务user info
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m cron -a "name='user info' state=absent"
    nfs1 | CHANGED => {
        "changed": true, 
        "envs": [], 
        "jobs": [

    mount 挂载

    • src ---要挂载的文件
    • path ---挂载点
    • fstype ---挂载文件类型
    • opts ---传递给mount命令的参数
    • state
      • present ---开机挂载,仅将挂载配置写入/etc/fstab
      • mounted ---挂载设备,并将配置写入/etc/fstab
      • unmounted ---卸载设备,不会清除/etc/fstab写入的配置
      • absent ---卸载设备,会清理/etc/fstab写入的配置


    ## 安装nfs
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m yum -a "name=nfs-utils state=installed"
    ## 创建目录
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m file -a "path=/data state=directory"
    ## 配置nfs
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m copy -a "content='/data,sync,no_all_squash)' dest=/etc/exports"
    ## 启动nfs
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m systemd -a "name=nfs state=started enabled=yes"
    ## 在web上挂载nfs
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible web -m mount -a "src= path=/var/www fstype=nfs opts=defaults state=mounted"
    web1 | CHANGED => {
        "changed": true, 
        "dump": "0", 
        "fstab": "/etc/fstab", 
        "fstype": "nfs", 
        "name": "/var/www", 
        "opts": "defaults", 
        "passno": "0", 
        "src": ""
    ## 卸载挂载
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible web -m mount -a "src= path=/var/www fstype=nfs opts=defaults state=absent"
    web1 | SUCCESS => {
        "changed": false, 
        "dump": "0", 
        "fstab": "/etc/fstab", 
        "fstype": "nfs", 
        "name": "/var/www", 
        "opts": "defaults", 
        "passno": "0", 
        "src": ""

    selinux和firewalld 防火墙管理


    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible nfs -m selinux -a "state=disabled"
    nfs1 | SUCCESS => {
        "changed": false, 
        "configfile": "/etc/selinux/config", 
        "msg": "", 
        "policy": "targeted", 
        "reboot_required": false, 
        "state": "disabled"


    • service ---指定服务名称
    • port ---指定端口
    • masquerade ---开启地址伪装
    • immediate ---是否临时生效
    • permanent ---是否永久生效
    • state ---开启或是关闭
      • enabled 开启
      • disabled 关闭
    • zone ---指定配置某个区域
    • rich_rule ---配置富规则
    • source ---指定来源IP
    ## 开启httpd服务对应的端口
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible web -m firewalld -a "service=http immediate=yes permanent=yes state=enabled"
    web1 | CHANGED => {
        "changed": true, 
        "msg": "Permanent and Non-Permanent(immediate) operation, Changed service http to enabled"
    ## 开启端口tcp8080到8090
    [root@Ansible ~]# ansible web -m firewalld -a "port=8080-8090/tcp immediate=yes permanent=yes state=enabled"
    web1 | CHANGED => {
        "changed": true, 
        "msg": "Permanent and Non-Permanent(immediate) operation, Changed port 8080-8090/tcp to enabled"