对Spark2.2.0文档的学习2-Job Scheduling

Job Scheduling





1、Scheduling Across Applications

一个集群中有多个Spark Application,每个Application独立的启动JVMs运行executors去执行任务以及存储数据。对于多个Application的资源的分配,有两种方案。最简单的是static partitioning每个应用得到它能够得到的最大数量的资源(Standalone mode,Mesos,Yarn都支持,每种需要配置一些参数,指定能够使用的CPU核数以及内存资源)Mesos支持dynamic sharing of CPU cores



Spark提供基于负载动态调整应用占据的资源的机制。如果一个集群中有多个应用运行,这个机制时很有用的。This feature is disabled by default and available on all coarse-grained cluster managers, i.e. standalone modeYARN mode, and Mesos coarse-grained mode.



Request Policy:动态资源分配开启的情况下, when it has pending tasks waiting to be scheduled.还有挂起的任务需要被调度时,即已有的executors不能同时满足所有的task,这时候Spark requests executors in rounds。

Remove Policy:A Spark application removes an executor when it has been idle for more than spark.dynamicAllocation.executorIdleTimeout seconds.空闲超过一定的时间。

2、Scheduling Within an Application

(1)每个Spark应用(SparkContext实例)中,如果jobs由多个线程提交,那么多个并行的jobs可以同时运行。 By “job”, in this section, we mean a Spark action (e.g. savecollect) and any tasks that need to run to evaluate that action.

默认情况下,Spark的调度器以FIFO的方式运行jobs。从Spark0.8开始,也可以配置fair sharing的方式



Fair Scheduler支持将jobs组织成pools,然后给每个pool设置不同的调度选项。例如为高优先级的jobs创建一个high Priority pool、或者为每个用户的jobs创建一个pool。

pool的默认行为:By default, each pool gets an equal share of the cluster (also equal in share to each job in the default pool), but inside each pool, jobs run in FIFO order. 


(1)schedulingMode: This can be FIFO or FAIR,决定pool中jobs对资源的获取方式

(2)weight: This controls the pool’s share(占有率) of the cluster relative to other pools.控制对集群资源的占有率

(3)minShare: ensure that a pool can always get up to a certain number of resources
