
Mr. Takahashi has a string s consisting of lowercase English letters. He repeats the following operation on s exactly K times.

  • Choose an arbitrary letter on s and change that letter to the next alphabet. Note that the next letter of z is a.

For example, if you perform an operation for the second letter on aazaaz becomes abz. If you then perform an operation for the third letter on abzabz becomes aba.

Mr. Takahashi wants to have the lexicographically smallest string after performing exactly K operations on s. Find the such string.


题目大意: 输入一个字符串a,再输入一个数字k,a→b消耗1, a→c消耗2,z→a消耗1,依次如此,为了使这一个字符串的字典序最小,而且k必须用完。 除了最后一个字符,前面的字符如果能变成’a',并且需要m次,则k = k - m; 如果不能变成‘a' 就是次数不够了则k - m < 0 ,然后循环接下来的字符,一直到倒数第二个字符。特判最后一个字符,因为k必须用完。 


  1. 注意判断最后一个字符变成什么的时候,注意k值,k值可能非常大,所以需要进行处理 k = k % 26;

  2. 注意对最后一个字符进行变换时得加减顺序,因为会’z'的asc码 为122,asc码一共为127,如果顺序不当,直接爆出




using namespace std;
const int MaxN = 1e5 + 5;
char a[MaxN];
int main()
    int m;
    long long k;
    cin >> a;
    scanf("%lld", &k);
    long long len = strlen(a);
    long long j = len - 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
        if(a[i] == 'a') m = 0;  //  不特判a的话 m = ’z' - ‘a' + 1 = 26 使得 k减少26 
        else m = 'z' - a[i] + 1;
        k = k - m;
        if(k >= 0) a[i] = 'a';
        else k = k + m;
    k = k % 26;  // 防止k太大
    if( k + a[j] > 'z') a[j] = a[j] - 26 + k;  // 超出asc码
    else a[j] = k + a[j];
    cout << a << endl;
