

@Reference 用在消费端,表明使用的是服务端的什么服务

 1 @RestController
 2 public class RemoteUserController {
 6     @Reference(version = "1.0.0",check = true)
 7     private RemoteUserService remoteUserService;
11     @RequestMapping(value="/dubbo/say/{name}")
12     public String sayHello(@PathVariable("name") String name){
13         //调用服务提供者的服务
14         String result=remoteUserService.sayHello(name);
15         return result;
16     }
17 }

@Service 用在服务提供者中,在类或者接口中声明。
@Service(version = "1.0.0",timeout = 10000,interfaceClass = RemoteUserService.class)
public class RemoteUserServiceImpl implements RemoteUserService {

    public String sayHello(String name) {

        log.info("访问sayHello " + name);
        return "Hello " + name;


@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
public @interface Reference {
     * Interface class, default value is void.class
    Class<?> interfaceClass() default void.class;

     * Interface class name, default value is empty string
    String interfaceName() default "";

     * Service version, default value is empty string
    String version() default "";

     * Service group, default value is empty string
    String group() default "";

     * Service target URL for direct invocation, if this is specified, then registry center takes no effect.
   * 不使用注册中心,消费者和提供者直连,url="dubbo://localhost:20890" */ String url() default ""; /** * Client transport type, default value is "netty" */ String client() default ""; /** * Whether to enable generic invocation, default value is false */ boolean generic() default false; /** * When enable, prefer to call local service in the same JVM if it's present, default value is true */ boolean injvm() default true; /** * Check if service provider is available during boot up, default value is true */ boolean check() default true; /** * Whether eager initialize the reference bean when all properties are set, default value is false */ boolean init() default false; /** * Whether to make connection when the client is created, the default value is false */ boolean lazy() default false; /** * Export an stub service for event dispatch, default value is false. * * @see Constants#STUB_EVENT_METHODS_KEY */ boolean stubevent() default false; /** * Whether to reconnect if connection is lost, if not specify, reconnect is enabled by default, and the interval * for retry connecting is 2000 ms * * @see Constants#DEFAULT_RECONNECT_PERIOD */ String reconnect() default ""; /** * Whether to stick to the same node in the cluster, the default value is false * * @see Constants#DEFAULT_CLUSTER_STICKY */ boolean sticky() default false; /** * How the proxy is generated, legal values include: jdk, javassist */ String proxy() default ""; /** * Service stub name, use interface name + Local if not set */ String stub() default ""; /** * Cluster strategy, legal values include: failover, failfast, failsafe, failback, forking */ String cluster() default ""; /** * Maximum connections service provider can accept, default value is 0 - connection is shared */ int connections() default 0; /** * The callback instance limit peer connection * * @see Constants#DEFAULT_CALLBACK_INSTANCES */ int callbacks() default 0; /** * Callback method name when connected, default value is empty string */ String onconnect() default ""; /** * Callback method name when disconnected, default value is empty string */ String ondisconnect() default ""; /** * Service owner, default value is empty string */ String owner() default ""; /** * Service layer, default value is empty string */ String layer() default ""; /** * Service invocation retry times * * @see Constants#DEFAULT_RETRIES */ int retries() default 2; /** * Load balance strategy, legal values include: random, roundrobin, leastactive * * @see Constants#DEFAULT_LOADBALANCE */ String loadbalance() default ""; /** * Whether to enable async invocation, default value is false */ boolean async() default false; /** * Maximum active requests allowed, default value is 0 */ int actives() default 0; /** * Whether the async request has already been sent, the default value is false */ boolean sent() default false; /** * Service mock name, use interface name + Mock if not set */ String mock() default ""; /** * Whether to use JSR303 validation, legal values are: true, false */ String validation() default ""; /** * Timeout value for service invocation, default value is 0 */ int timeout() default 0; /** * Specify cache implementation for service invocation, legal values include: lru, threadlocal, jcache */ String cache() default ""; /** * Filters for service invocation * * @see Filter */ String[] filter() default {}; /** * Listeners for service exporting and unexporting * * @see ExporterListener */ String[] listener() default {}; /** * Customized parameter key-value pair, for example: {key1, value1, key2, value2} */ String[] parameters() default {}; /** * Application spring bean name */ String application() default ""; /** * Module spring bean name */ String module() default ""; /** * Consumer spring bean name */ String consumer() default ""; /** * Monitor spring bean name */ String monitor() default ""; /** * Registry spring bean name */ String[] registry() default {}; /** * Protocol spring bean names */ String protocol() default ""; /** * methods support * @return */ Method[] methods() default {}; }


public @interface Service {

     * Interface class, default value is void.class
    Class<?> interfaceClass() default void.class;

     * Interface class name, default value is empty string
    String interfaceName() default "";

     * Service version, default value is empty string
    String version() default "";

     * Service group, default value is empty string
    String group() default "";

     * Service path, default value is empty string
    String path() default "";

     * Whether to export service, default value is true
    boolean export() default true;

     * Service token, default value is false
    String token() default "";

     * Whether the service is deprecated, default value is false
    boolean deprecated() default false;

     * Whether the service is dynamic, default value is false
    boolean dynamic() default false;

     * Access log for the service, default value is ""
    String accesslog() default "";

     * Maximum concurrent executes for the service, default value is 0 - no limits
    int executes() default 0;

     * Whether to register the service to register center, default value is true
    boolean register() default true;

     * Service weight value, default value is 0
    int weight() default 0;

     * Service doc, default value is ""
    String document() default "";

     * Delay time for service registration, default value is 0
    int delay() default 0;

     * @see Service#stub()
     * @deprecated
    String local() default "";

     * Service stub name, use interface name + Local if not set
    String stub() default "";

     * Cluster strategy, legal values include: failover, failfast, failsafe, failback, forking
    String cluster() default "";

     * How the proxy is generated, legal values include: jdk, javassist
    String proxy() default "";

     * Maximum connections service provider can accept, default value is 0 - connection is shared
    int connections() default 0;

     * The callback instance limit peer connection
    int callbacks() default Constants.DEFAULT_CALLBACK_INSTANCES;

     * Callback method name when connected, default value is empty string
    String onconnect() default "";

     * Callback method name when disconnected, default value is empty string
    String ondisconnect() default "";

     * Service owner, default value is empty string
    String owner() default "";

     * Service layer, default value is empty string
    String layer() default "";

     * Service invocation retry times
     * @see Constants#DEFAULT_RETRIES
    int retries() default Constants.DEFAULT_RETRIES;

     * Load balance strategy, legal values include: random, roundrobin, leastactive
     * @see Constants#DEFAULT_LOADBALANCE
    String loadbalance() default Constants.DEFAULT_LOADBALANCE;

     * Whether to enable async invocation, default value is false
    boolean async() default false;

     * Maximum active requests allowed, default value is 0
    int actives() default 0;

     * Whether the async request has already been sent, the default value is false
    boolean sent() default false;

     * Service mock name, use interface name + Mock if not set
    String mock() default "";

     * Whether to use JSR303 validation, legal values are: true, false
    String validation() default "";

     * Timeout value for service invocation, default value is 0
    int timeout() default 0;

     * Specify cache implementation for service invocation, legal values include: lru, threadlocal, jcache
    String cache() default "";

     * Filters for service invocation
     * @see Filter
    String[] filter() default {};

     * Listeners for service exporting and unexporting
     * @see ExporterListener
    String[] listener() default {};

     * Customized parameter key-value pair, for example: {key1, value1, key2, value2}
    String[] parameters() default {};

     * Application spring bean name
    String application() default "";

     * Module spring bean name
    String module() default "";

     * Provider spring bean name
    String provider() default "";

     * Protocol spring bean names
    String[] protocol() default {};

     * Monitor spring bean name
    String monitor() default "";

     * Registry spring bean name
    String[] registry() default {};

     * Service tag name
    String tag() default "";

     * methods support
     * @return
    Method[] methods() default {};