
  Js中获取时间戳可用var dayMiliseconds = parseInt(new Date().valueOf());Js的时间戳单位为毫秒(1s = 1000 ms),下面是一个将制定的格式转化成UTC时间的函数。

//format the date string from webservice to UTC time;
function toUTCtime(dateStr) {
    dateStr += "";
    var utcPrefix = 0;
    var offset = 0;
    var dateFormatString = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";
    var utcTimeString = "";
    var totalMiliseconds = 0;

    var regMatchNums = /d+/gi;
    var regSign = /[+|-]/gi;
    var arrNums = dateStr.match(regMatchNums);
    utcPrefix = parseInt(arrNums[0]);
    if (arrNums.length > 1) {
        offset = arrNums[1];
        offsetHour = offset.substring(0, 2);
        offsetMin = offset.substring(2, 4);
        offset = parseInt(offsetHour) * 60 * 60 * 1000 + parseInt(offsetMin) * 60 * 1000;
        totalMiliseconds= utcPrefix - offset;
    } else if (dateStr.lastIndexOf("-") > -1) {
        totalMiliseconds = utcPrefix + offset;

    utcTimeString = new Date(totalMiliseconds).format(dateFormatString);
    return utcTimeString;
