

更新操作,有两大类,一个是Replace,一个是Update,就是说一个是替换,一个是更新。 替换,就是全文档更换,而更新可以只针对文档的局部字段。

1. 这里先说简单的Replace的操作。


 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/gengxin/replace/1?pretty' -d '
 2 { 
 3   "name": "shihuc",
 4   "job": "System Software Dev Manager",
 5   "date": "2016-10-19"
 6 }'
 7 {
 8   "_index" : "gengxin",
 9   "_type" : "replace",
10   "_id" : "1",
11   "_version" : 1,                   
12   "_shards" : {
13     "total" : 2,
14     "successful" : 1,
15     "failed" : 0
16   },
17   "created" : true                  #注意,这里的信息状态是true
18 }


 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl "localhost:9200/gengxin/replace/1?pretty"
 2 {
 3   "_index" : "gengxin",
 4   "_type" : "replace",
 5   "_id" : "1",
 6   "_version" : 1,
 7   "found" : true,
 8   "_source" : {
 9     "name" : "shihuc",
10     "job" : "System Software Dev Manager",
11     "date" : "2016-10-19"
12   }
13 }

没有什么问题。 然后我们对这个id为1的document进行replace操作:

 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/gengxin/replace/1?pretty' -d '
 2 { 
 3   "name": "wdn",
 4   "job": "TK CEO"
 5 }'
 6 {
 7   "_index" : "gengxin",
 8   "_type" : "replace",
 9   "_id" : "1",
10   "_version" : 2,
11   "_shards" : {
12     "total" : 2,
13     "successful" : 1,
14     "failed" : 0
15   },
16   "created" : false           #注意,这里的状态是false哟,表示没有新建一个
17 }


 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl "localhost:9200/gengxin/replace/1?pretty"
 2 {
 3   "_index" : "gengxin",
 4   "_type" : "replace",
 5   "_id" : "1",
 6   "_version" : 2,
 7   "found" : true,
 8   "_source" : {
 9     "name" : "wdn",
10     "job" : "TK CEO"
11   }
12 }


2. 下面看看Update更新操作,其实,这个操作是针对已经建立的document修改field的内容,字段field的名字和数量是不能被修改的,是不是差别出来了???对的,就是这个差别。

 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/gengxin/update/1?pretty' -d '
 2 { 
 3   "name": "water",
 4   "job": "跑龙套的宝宝",
 5   "date": "2016-10-19"
 6 }'
 7 {
 8   "_index" : "gengxin",
 9   "_type" : "update",
10   "_id" : "1",
11   "_version" : 1,
12   "_shards" : {
13     "total" : 2,
14     "successful" : 1,
15     "failed" : 0
16   },
17   "created" : true
18 }


 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl "localhost:9200/gengxin/update/1?pretty"
 2 {
 3   "_index" : "gengxin",
 4   "_type" : "update",
 5   "_id" : "1",
 6   "_version" : 1,
 7   "found" : true,
 8   "_source" : {
 9     "name" : "water",
10     "job" : "跑龙套的宝宝",
11     "date" : "2016-10-19"
12   }
13 }


 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl -XPOST "localhost:9200/gengxin/update/1/_update?pretty" -d '
 2 {
 3   "doc": {"job": "奋斗者"}
 4 }'
 5 {
 6   "_index" : "gengxin",
 7   "_type" : "update",
 8   "_id" : "1",
 9   "_version" : 5,
10   "_shards" : {
11     "total" : 2,
12     "successful" : 1,
13     "failed" : 0
14   }
15 }


 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl "localhost:9200/gengxin/update/1?pretty"
 2 {
 3   "_index" : "gengxin",
 4   "_type" : "update",
 5   "_id" : "1",
 6   "_version" : 5,
 7   "found" : true,
 8   "_source" : {
 9     "name" : "water",
10     "job" : "奋斗者",
11     "date" : "2016-10-19"
12   }
13 }


1. 指令不同,replace前后都是PUT指令,其实,用POST也可以实现replace,比如上面的replace操作的时候,将PUT换成POST也可以的。但是最好还是用PUT, http指令中POST是用来更新数据的,PUT是用来新增数据用的,虽然两个没有严格的限制。还有,在做Update操作时,指令中含有关键字_update.

2. replace操作时,指令的-d的内容就是最后的数据的内容,也就是查询结果中_source中的内容,但是Update的操作,修改的只是_source中的某些字段的内容


A. 创建一个文档,并查看结果, 文档的内容是说wangbaoqiang有几顶绿帽子,开始创建的时候写的是2个,后来发现其实只有马rong个jian人一个,于是乎要修改。。。

 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/gengxin/update/2?pretty" -d '{
 2 > "name": "wangbaoqiang",
 3 > "green_hat": "2"
 4 > }'
 5 {
 6   "_index" : "gengxin",
 7   "_type" : "update",
 8   "_id" : "2",
 9   "_version" : 1,
10   "_shards" : {
11     "total" : 2,
12     "successful" : 1,
13     "failed" : 0
14   },
15   "created" : true
16 }
17 [water@CloudGame ES]$ 
18 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl "localhost:9200/gengxin/update/2?pretty"
19 {
20   "_index" : "gengxin",
21   "_type" : "update",
22   "_id" : "2",
23   "_version" : 1,
24   "found" : true,
25   "_source" : {
26     "name" : "wangbaoqiang",
27     "green_hat" : "2"
28   }
29 }


 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl -XPOST "localhost:9200/gengxin/update/2/_update?pretty" -d '{
 2 > "script": "ctx._source.green_hat = count",
 3 > "inline": {
 4 >    "params" : {
 5 >      "count" : 1
 6 >    }
 7 >  }
 8 > }'
 9 {
10   "error" : {
11     "root_cause" : [ {
12       "type" : "remote_transport_exception",
13       "reason" : "[node-1][][indices:data/write/update[s]]"
14     } ],
15     "type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
16     "reason" : "failed to execute script",
17     "caused_by" : {
18       "type" : "script_exception",
19       "reason" : "scripts of type [inline], operation [update] and lang [groovy] are disabled"
20     }
21   },
22   "status" : 400
23 }

报错了,意思是说行内脚本通过groovy语言执行update操作是被禁用了的。 查看帮助文档吧,发现script章节有介绍,需要修改elasticsearch.yml配置文件,再其最后,加入下面的内容,重新启动es:

1  script.inline: true
2  script.indexed: true
3  script.engine.groovy.inline.aggs: true


 1 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl -XPOST "localhost:9200/gengxin/update/2/_update?pretty" -d '{
 2 "script": "ctx._source.green_hat = count",
 3 "inline": {
 4    "params" : {
 5      "count" : 1
 6    }
 7  }
 8 }'
 9 {
10   "_index" : "gengxin",
11   "_type" : "update",
12   "_id" : "2",
13   "_version" : 4,
14   "_shards" : {
15     "total" : 2,
16     "successful" : 1,
17     "failed" : 0
18   }
19 }
20 [water@CloudGame ES]$ 
21 [water@CloudGame ES]$ curl "localhost:9200/gengxin/update/2?pretty"
22 {
23   "_index" : "gengxin",
24   "_type" : "update",
25   "_id" : "2",
26   "_version" : 4,
27   "found" : true,
28   "_source" : {
29     "name" : "wangbaoqiang",
30     "green_hat" : 1
31   }
32 }


