虚拟机 VirtualBox 4.1.22 发布

开源免费虚拟机 VirtualBox 4.1.22 发布,VirtualBox是一个强大的x86/AMD64/Intel64虚拟化产品,为企业和家庭免费提供使用。VirtualBox不仅具有极为丰富的功能,而且是一款高性能的产品,该软件作为开源软件是免费提供,基于GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)。

VirtualBox4.1.22 更新改变:

  • VMM: fixed a potential host crash triggered by shutting down a VM when another VM was running (only affected 32-bit hosts and 64-bit OS X hosts, 4.1 regression, bug #9897)
  • VMM: fixed a potential host crash under a high guest memory pressure (seen with Windows 8 guests)
  • VMM: respect RAM preallocation while restoring saved state.
  • VMM: fixed handling of task gates if VT-x/AMD-V is disabled
  • Storage: fixed audio CD passthrough for certain media players
  • USB: don’t crash if a USB device is plugged or unplugged when saving or loading the VM state (SMP guests only)
  • RTC: fixed a potential corruption of CMOS bank 1
  • Mac OS X hosts: installer fixes for Leopard (4.1.20 regression)
  • Windows Additions: fixed memory leak in VBoxTray (bug #10808)

在ubuntu 12.04 上安装 VirtualBox 4.1.22 :


你需要编辑 /etc/apt/sources.list

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list


deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian precise contrib

如果你是ubuntu 11.10加入下面的地址:

deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian oneiric contrib

然后保存文件,运行下面的命令安装 PGP 钥匙:

wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -


sudo apt-get update

安装 virtualbox

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.1

