Can a windows dll retrieve its own filename?

A windows exe file has access to the command string which invoked it, including its path and filename. eg. 

C:MyAppMyApp.exe --help.

But this is not so for a dll invoked via LoadLibrary. Does anyone know of a way for a dll to find out what its path and filename is?

Specifically I'm interested in a Delphi solution, but I suspect that the answer would be pretty much the same for any language.

I think you're looking for GetModuleFileName.

  If you are working on a DLL and are interested in the filename of the
  DLL rather than the filename of the application, then you can use this function:

function GetModuleName: string;
  szFileName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
  FillChar(szFileName, SizeOf(szFileName), #0);
  GetModuleFileName(hInstance, szFileName, MAX_PATH);
  Result := szFileName;

Getting the path of a DLL:

if you call ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) from a DLL you will get the path of the web server, so if you want the path of the DLL itself use:

function ScriptPath: String;
var path: array[0..MaxPathLength-1] of char;
  if IsLibrary then
    SetString(Result, path, GetModuleFileName(HInstance, path, SizeOf(path)))
Result := ParamStr(0); end;