
(1)PTx_BASE_PTR为GPIO寄存器结构体基址指针(PTR即point to register,x=A/B/C/D/E)
/* GPIO - Peripheral instance base addresses */
/** Peripheral PTA base pointer */
#define PTA_BASE_PTR                              ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF000u)//将32位值(内存地址)强制转换为结构体类型指针,即得到一个初始地址(基址)为0x400FF000u的GPIO_MemMapPtr结构体。
/** Peripheral PTB base pointer */
#define PTB_BASE_PTR                             ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF040u)
/** Peripheral PTC base pointer */
#define PTC_BASE_PTR                             ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF080u)
/** Peripheral PTD base pointer */
#define PTD_BASE_PTR                             ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF0C0u)
/** Peripheral PTE base pointer */
#define PTE_BASE_PTR                             ((GPIO_MemMapPtr)0x400FF100u)

typedef struct GPIO_MemMap {
  uint32_t PDOR;                                   /**< Port Data Output Register, offset: 0x0 */
  uint32_t PSOR;                                   /**< Port Set Output Register, offset: 0x4 */
  uint32_t PCOR;                                   /**< Port Clear Output Register, offset: 0x8 */
  uint32_t PTOR;                                   /**< Port Toggle Output Register, offset: 0xC */
  uint32_t PDIR;                                   /**< Port Data Input Register, offset: 0x10 */
  uint32_t PDDR;                                   /**< Port Data Direction Register, offset: 0x14 */
} volatile *GPIO_MemMapPtr;

/* GPIO - Register accessors */
#define GPIO_PDOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PDOR)
#define GPIO_PSOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PSOR)
#define GPIO_PCOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PCOR)
#define GPIO_PTOR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PTOR)
#define GPIO_PDIR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PDIR)
#define GPIO_PDDR_REG(base)                      ((base)->PDDR)

(4)PORTx_BASE_PTR为内存映射结构体基址(PTR即point to register,x=A/B/C/D/E)
/* PORT - Peripheral instance base addresses */
/** Peripheral PORTA base pointer */
#define PORTA_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x40049000u)
/** Peripheral PORTB base pointer */
#define PORTB_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x4004A000u)
/** Peripheral PORTC base pointer */
#define PORTC_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x4004B000u)
/** Peripheral PORTD base pointer */
#define PORTD_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x4004C000u)
/** Peripheral PORTE base pointer */
#define PORTE_BASE_PTR                           ((PORT_MemMapPtr)0x4004D000u)

/** PORT - Peripheral register structure */
typedef struct PORT_MemMap {
  uint32_t PCR[32];                                /**< Pin Control Register n, array offset: 0x0, array step: 0x4 */引脚控制寄存器
  uint32_t GPCLR;                                  /**< Global Pin Control Low Register, offset: 0x80 */
  uint32_t GPCHR;                                 /**< Global Pin Control High Register, offset: 0x84 */
  uint8_t RESERVED_0[24];
  uint32_t ISFR;                                    /**< Interrupt Status Flag Register, offset: 0xA0 */
  uint8_t RESERVED_1[28];
  uint32_t DFER;                                   /**< Digital Filter Enable Register, offset: 0xC0 */
  uint32_t DFCR;                                   /**< Digital Filter Clock Register, offset: 0xC4 */
  uint32_t DFWR;                                  /**< Digital Filter Width Register, offset: 0xC8 */
} volatile *PORT_MemMapPtr;

#define PORT_PCR_REG(base,index)                 ((base)->PCR[index])          //引脚控制寄存器(PCR)
#define PORT_GPCLR_REG(base)                     ((base)->GPCLR)
#define PORT_GPCHR_REG(base)                    ((base)->GPCHR)
#define PORT_ISFR_REG(base)                       ((base)->ISFR)
#define PORT_DFER_REG(base)                      ((base)->DFER)
#define PORT_DFCR_REG(base)                      ((base)->DFCR)
#define PORT_DFWR_REG(base)                      ((base)->DFWR)

#define PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK                    0x700u
#define PORT_PCR_MUX_SHIFT                    8
#define PORT_PCR_MUX(x)                          (((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)(x))<<PORT_PCR_MUX_SHIFT))&PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK)