CVPR 2013 录用论文【待更新】




当然,自己还是比较关心Tracking方面的Papers。从作者来看,一作大部分为华人,而且有不少在Tracking这个圈子里相当有名的牛,比如Ming-Hsuan YangRobert
等(中科院到阿大的Xi Li也是非常活跃,从他的论文可以看出深厚的数学功底,另外Chunhua
老师团队非常高产)。此外,从录用论文题目初步判断,Sparse coding(representation)的热度在减退,所以Haibin Ling老师并没有这方面的文章录用,且纯粹的tracking-by-detection几乎不见踪影了。



Structure Preserving Object Tracking. Lu Zhang, Laurens van der Maaten

Tracking Sports Players with Context-Conditioned Motion Models. Jingchen Liu, Peter Carr, Robert Collins, Yanxi Liu


Online Object Tracking: A Benchmark. Yi Wu, Jongwoo Lim,Ming-Hsuan Yang

Learning Compact Binary Codes for Visual Tracking. Xi Li, Chunhua Shen, Anthony Dick, Anton van den Hengel

Part-based Visual Tracking with Online Latent Structural Learning. Rui Yao, Qinfeng Shi,Chunhua Shen, Yanning Zhang, Anton van den Hengel

Self-paced learning for long-term tracking.James
Supancic III
, Deva Ramanan(long-term的噱头还是很吸引人的,和当年TLD一样,看看是否是工程的思想多一些)

Visual Tracking via Locality Sensitive
.Shengfeng He, Qingxiong Yang, Rynson Lau, Jiang Wang, Ming-Hsuan Yang (CityU of HK,使用直方图作为表观在当前研究背景下真是反其道而行之啊)

Minimum Uncertainty Gap for Robust Visual Tracking. Junseok Kwon, Kyoung Mu Lee (VTD作者)

Least Soft-thresold Squares Tracking. Dong Wang, Huchuan Lu, Ming-Hsuan

Tracking People and Their Objects. Tobias Baumgartner, Dennis Mitzel,
Bastian Leibe(这个应该也有应用的背景和前景)



Alternating Decision Forests. Samuel Schulter, Paul Wohlhart,Christian
Leistner, Amir Saffari,Peter M. Roth,Horst
(Forest也是近些年的热点之一。此外,TU Graz视觉组在各种Top会议上很是active)

Semi-supervised Node Splitting for Random Forest Construction. Xiao Liu, Mingli Song, Dacheng Tao, Zicheng Liu, Luming Zhang, Chun Chen, Jiajun Bu (虽然Forest很热,但是纯粹关于Forest的研究还是不多,在这类会议上)

Optimizing 1-Nearest Prototype Classifiers. Paul Wohlhart, Michael Donoser, Peter Roth,Horst Bischof (by TU Graz)

Single-Pedestrian Detection aided by Multi-pedestrian Detection. Wanli Ouyang, Xiaogang Wang

Measuring Crowd Collectiveness. Bolei Zhou,Xiaogang

Crossing the Line: Crowd Counting by Integer Programming with Local Features. Zheng Ma,Antoni

Histograms of Sparse Codes for Object Detection. Xiaofeng Ren,Deva Ramanan

Multi-Source Multi-Scale Counting in Extremely Dense Crowd Images. Haroon Idrees, Imran Saleemi, Mubarak Shah

Human Pose Estimation from Still Images using Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors.Matthias Dantone,Juergen
, Luc Van Gool, Christian Leistner (Gall的Hough Forest令人印象比较深)

Efficient Detector Adaptation for Object Detection in a Video.Pramod Sharma,
Ram Nevatia

Robust Multi-Resolution Pedestrian Detection in Traffic Scenes. Junjie Yan, Xucong Zhang, Zhen Lei, Dong Yi, Shengcai Liao, Stan Li (Oral)

Fast multiple-part based object detection using KD-Ferns. Dan Levi, Shai Silberstein, Aharon Bar-Hillel 

Online Dominant and Anomalous Behavior Detection in Videos. Mehrsan
Javan Roshtkhari, Martin Levine



Serge Belongie at UC San Diego
Alexei Ffros at CMU
Ce Liu at Microsoft Research New England
Vittorio Ferrari at Univ.of Edinburgh
Kristen Grauman at UT Austin
Devi Parikh at  TTI-Chicago (Marr Prize at ICCV2011)
John Wright at Columbia Univ.
Piotr Dollar at CalTech
Boris Babenko at UC San Diego
David Ross at Google/Youtube
David Donoho at Stanford Univ.
Roberto Cipolla at Cambridge
David Lowe at Univ. of British Columbia
Mubarak Shah at Univ. of Central Florida
Yi Ma at MSRA
Tinne Tuytelaars at K.U. Leuven
Trevor Darrell at U.C. Berkeley
Michael J. Black at Brown Univ.
Computer Vision Group at UC Berkeley
Robotics Research Group at Univ. of Oxford
Computer Vision Lab at Stanford
Computer Vision Lab at ETH Zurich
Computer Vision Lab at Seoul National Univ.
Computer Vision Lab at UC San Diego
Computer Vision Lab at UC Santa Cruz
Computer Vision Lab at Univ. of Southern California
Computer Vision Lab at Univ. of Central Florida
Computer Vision Lab at Columbia Univ.
Motion and Shape Computing Group at George Mason Univ.
Computer Vision Lab. at Vienna Univ. of Tech. 
Computational Image Analysis and Radiology at Medical Univ. of Vienna
Visual Perception Lab at Purdue Univ.

Juergen Gall at ETH Zurich
Matt Flagg at Georgia Tech.
Mathieu Salzmann at TTI-Chicago
Gerg Shakhnarovich at TTI-Chicago
Jianchao Yang at UIUC
Stefan Roth at TU Darmstadt
Peter Kontschieder at Graz Univ. of Tech.
Dominik Alexander Klein at Univ. of Bonn
Yinan Yu at CASIA (PASCAL VOC 2010 Detection Challenge Winner)
Zdenek Kalal at FPFL
Julien Pilet at FPFL
(3)MIT博士后Douglas Lanman;


(17)微软CV研究员Richard Szeliski;

(26)U.C. San Diego. computer vision;
(28)computer vision software;
(29)Computer Vision Resource;
(30)computer vision research groups;
(31)computer vision center;




(35)顶级民用机器人研究小组Porf.Gary领导的Willow Garage:



(38)德克萨斯州大学奥斯汀分校助理教授Kristen Grauman :





(43)瑞士巴塞尔大学 Thomas Vetter教授:

(44)俄勒冈州立大学 Rob Hess博士:

(45)深圳大学 于仕祺副教授:


(47)卡内基梅隆大学研究员Robert T. Collins:

(48)MIT博士Chris Stauffer:

(49)美国密歇根州立大学生物识别研究组(Anil K. Jain教授):

(50)美国伊利诺伊州立大学Thomas S. Huang:


(52)瑞士巴塞尔大学Sami Romdhani助理研究员:

(53)CMU大学研究员Yang Wang:

(54)英国曼彻斯特大学Tim Cootes教授:

(55)美国罗彻斯特大学教授Jiebo Luo:






(61)University of Massachusetts(麻省大学),视觉实验室:

(62)华盛顿大学博士后Iva Kemelmacher:

(63)以色列魏茨曼科技大学Ronen Basri:



