Spring MVC 学习之 400 错误

如果一个方法中有参数被 @Valid 标注了,但该参数后面没有紧跟一个 BindingResult 类型的参数,那么提交到该方法时,将返回 400 错误。

错误消息将会是:The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect ().

错误的方法定义 1 :(错误原因:没有 BindingResult 参数

@RequestMapping({"error400" }) 
public String error400(@Valid @ModelAttribute("testForm") TestForm testForm) { 

错误的方法定义 2 :(错误原因:没有紧跟在 @Valid 参数之后

@RequestMapping({"error400" })
public String error400(@Valid @ModelAttribute("testForm") TestForm testForm, Model model, Errors result) {

也可参考 DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver.java 中的方法说明:

 * Handle the case where an {@linkplain ModelAttribute @ModelAttribute} method 
 * argument has binding or validation errors and is not followed by another 
 * method argument of type {@link BindingResult}. 
 * By default an HTTP 400 error is sent back to the client. 
 * @param request current HTTP request 
 * @param response current HTTP response 
 * @param handler the executed handler 
 * @return an empty ModelAndView indicating the exception was handled 
 * @throws IOException potentially thrown from response.sendError() 
protectedModelAndView handleBindException(BindException ex, HttpServletRequest request, 
        HttpServletResponse response, Object handler)throws IOException { 
    returnnew ModelAndView(); 