Ajax Control Toolkit

Aim : Add Ajax functionality to your ASP.NET Web Forms applications without writing JavaScript.

The Ajax Control Toolkit contains a rich set of controls that you can use to build highly responsive and

interactive Ajax Control Toolkit with Visual Studio.

1. Getting Ajax Control Toolkit in http://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/ .

2. Add the Ajax Control Toolket to the Visual studio Toolbox.

      Lauch Visual Studio and create a new asp.net Web Forms project or website. Open Default.aspx in

the visual studio editor.

      Create a new Toolbox tab by right-clikcking the Toolbox and selecting Add Tab. Name the new tab

ajax control Toolkit. 

      Right-click beneath the new tab and select the menu option Choose Items... Click the Browse button and

browse to the folder where you extracted the Ajax Control Toolkit. Pick the AjaxControlToolkit.dll and click the

OK button to close the choose Toolbox Items dialog.

The tutorial :  http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/act_tutorials.ashx .

Legend: Visual Studio has to version 2008 sp1 support .NET3.5.
