UVA 10618 Tango Tango Insurrection





(紫书上的说明是错的= =)

Performing an action with a foot costs 1 unit of energy if it did NOT perform an action in the previous time unit. If it did, then it costs 3 units if it doesn't change arrows, 5 units if it moves to an adjacent arrow, and 7 units if it moves directly across the pad (between Up and Down, or Left and Right).


输入包含最多100组数据,每组数据包含一个长度不超过70的字符串,即各个时间单位需要踩的箭头。L和R分别表示左右箭头,“.”表示不需要踩箭头。输出应是一个长度和输入相同的字符串,表示每个时间单位执行动作的脚。L和R分别是左右脚,“.”表示不踩。比如, .RDLU 的最优解是 RLRLR ,第一次是把右脚放在下箭头上。


因为最多只有70个阶段,所以不会爆栈,直接递归,懒得改迭代了= =


很容易写出转移= =

状态和转移最多$mathcal{O}(lrt imes id) leqslant 2240$,完全不管时间限制……

紫书上给的能量消耗说明是错的,害得我改了好久= =


using namespace std;

#define REP(r,x,y) for(register int r=(x); r<(y); r++)
#define PER(r,x,y) for(register int r=(x); r>(y); r--)
#define REPE(r,x,y) for(register int r=(x); r<=(y); r++)
#define PERE(r,x,y) for(register int r=(x); r>=(y); r--)
#ifdef sahdsg
#define DBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define DBG(...) (void)0
#define iabs(a) ((a)<0?(-(a)):(a))
char ops[80];
int d[4][4][80][3];
inline int getnum(int x) {
	switch(ops[x]) {
		case 'U': return 0;
		case 'L': return 1;
		case 'D': return 2;
		case 'R': return 3;
		case '.': return -1;
	return -1;

inline bool can(int l, int r, int ll, int lr) {
	if(l==r) return false;
	if((ll==2 || ll==0) && lr==1 && l!=ll) return false;
	if((lr==2 || lr==0) && ll==3 && r!=lr) return false;
	if(l==3 && r==1) return false;
	return true;

inline int cost(int f, int t) {
	if(f==t) return 3;
	if(iabs(f-t)==2) return 7;
	return 5;

int solve(int l, int r, int t, int id) {
	if(ops[t]<=' ') return 0;
	int &now = d[l][r][t][id];
	if(now>=0) return now;
	int num=getnum(t); now=0x3f3f3f3f;
	if(num>=0) {
		if(can(l,num,l,r)) now=min(now,solve(l,num,t+1, 2)+(id==2?cost(r,num):1));
		if(can(num,r,l,r)) now=min(now,solve(num,r,t+1, 1)+(id==1?cost(l,num):1));
	} else {
		REP(i,0,4) {
			if(can(l,i,l,r)) now=min(now,solve(l,i,t+1, 2)+(id==2?cost(r,i):1));
			if(can(i,r,l,r)) now=min(now,solve(i,r,t+1, 1)+(id==1?cost(l,i):1));
	return now;
char ans[80];
int ansn=0;
inline void anx(char x) {
bool prn(int l, int r, int t, int id) {
	if(ops[t]<=' ') return true;
	int &now = d[l][r][t][id];
	int num=getnum(t);
	if(num>=0) {
		if(can(l,num,l,r)) if(now==solve(l,num,t+1, 2)+(id==2?cost(r,num):1))
			if(prn(l,num,t+1, 2)) {anx('R'); return 1;}
		if(can(num,r,l,r)) if(now==solve(num,r,t+1, 1)+(id==1?cost(l,num):1))
			if(prn(num,r,t+1, 1)) {anx('L'); return 1;}
	} else {
		REP(i,0,4) {
			if(can(l,i,l,r)) if(now==solve(l,i,t+1, 2)+(id==2?cost(r,i):1))
				if(prn(l,i,t+1,2)) {anx('R'); return 1;}
			if(can(i,r,l,r)) if(now==solve(i,r,t+1, 1)+(id==1?cost(l,i):1))
				if(prn(i,r,t+1,1)) {anx('L'); return 1;}
		if(now==solve(l,r,t+1,0)) if(prn(l,r,t+1,0)) {anx('.'); return 1;}
	return now;

int main() {
	#ifdef sahdsg
	while(1) {
		fgets(ops, 80, stdin); if(ops[0]=='#') break;
		memset(d,-1,sizeof d); ansn=0;
		solve(1,3,0,0); //DBG("%d
", d[1][3][0][0]);
		while(0<ansn--) putchar(ans[ansn]); putchar('
	return 0;