Environment Configuration Files

  Environment Configuration Files  

When a user logs in, an environment is created for that user automatically. This happens based on four different files where some script code can be specified and where variables can be defined for use by one specific user:    
■    /etc/profile:     This is the generic file that is processed by all users upon login.  --全局环境变量,对所有用户都生效  
■    /etc/bashrc:     This file is processed when subshells are started.  --

■    ~/.bash_profile:     In this file, user-specific login shell variables can be defined.   --用户自己定义的login shell环境变量   
■    ~/.bashrc:     In this user-specific file, subshell variables can be defined.    
As you have seen, in these files a difference is made between a login shell and a subshell. A login shell is the first shell that is opened for a user after the user has logged in. From the login shell, a user may run scripts, which will start a subshell of that login shell. Bash allows for the creation of a different environment in the login shell and in the subshell but to synchronize settings; by default the subshell settings are included when entering a login shell.   --用户自己定义的subshell

