Current Position of GradPaul 毕业宝四月中旬进度

Tasklist 任务列表

Before we move to the details of our current position in developing curve, I'd like to introduce you to the whole blue print of GradPaul. As you can see from this very picture below, GradPaul now has three parts in procedure, which are How far is Grad, Escaper Calendar, and Teacher Commend.


GradPaul requires a lot of exotic databases, which are shown below to operate its full function. So we roughly divided the whole project into the front-end, back-end and database three parts and illustrated their dependency in the following picture:


Current position in developing curve can be revealed in both depth first or width first.


How far is Grad 你离毕业又多远

How far is Grad reveals how many academic credits you've got and what are left on your future plan, and maybe we will give some recommendations. Now we are struggling on importing data from academic administration and building education plan structure.

