hive bin下的进入beeline 命令行和hive有什么不同?

Hive 0.11中引入的HiveServer2有一个自己的CLI叫Beeline. HiveCLI现在已经过时,与Beeline相比,其缺少多用户、安全和其他与HiveServer2兼容的特性。

  $ $HIVE_HOME/bin/hiveserver2

  $ $HIVE_HOME/bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://$HS2_HOST:$HS2_PORT

Beeline is started with the JDBC URL of the HiveServer2, which depends on the address and port where HiveServer2 was started.  By default, it will be (localhost:10000), so the address will look like jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000.

Or to start Beeline and HiveServer2 in the same process for testing purpose, for a similar user experience to HiveCLI:
  $ $HIVE_HOME/bin/beeline -u jdbc:hive2://
