Photography has opened our eyes to a multitude of beauty


Photography has opened our eyes to a multitude of beauty, things we literally have not seem before the invention of frozen image.

It has greatly expanded our notion of what’s beautiful, what’s aesthetically pleasing.
Items considered trivial, and not worth an artist’s paint, are now revealed and honored by photography.
As technology developed, photographers have explored a new point of view, those of microscope, of eagle, and of cosmos.

What is it that delights the human’s eyes, and allow us to make a claim that a photograph is amazing?

Photography depends on the trinity of light, composition, and moment. Light makes the recording of an image possible. But in the right hands, it can make an image soar.
The same is true with composition. What the photographer choose to keep in or out of the frame, is all that we will see, and the combination is vital.
When an instant is frozen in time, the moment the shutter is pressed provides an image with meanings.
When they are in balance, there is real visual magic.

Light, composition and moment come together to bring use an ultimate reality, a view of world unknown prior the the invention of the camera.
Before photography, images were made to please, not to capture reality.
But as photography evolved, rules were reacted in the pursuit of fresh vision.
Photographers became interested in the real world, good and bad, and it was the accidental detail that was celebrated.
Photography invites the world to see with new eyes, to see photographically, and all of the arts have drawn inspiration from this change.

With these basic aesthetic tools, photographers have evolved from scientists longing to fix an image to artistic revolutionaries.
Photographs have created a new way of seeing, changed our ideas of beauty and, most importantly, made art more democratic.
They have given us visual proof that the world is grander than we imagined, and that there is beauty, often overlooked, in nearly everything.

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Photography has opened our eyes to a multitude of beauty, things we literally have not seen before the invention of the frozen image. It has greatly expanded our notion of what’s beautiful, what’s aesthetically pleasing. Items considered trivial, and not worth an artist’s paint, are now all revealed and honored. As technology developed, photographers have explored a new point of view.

What is it that delights the human’s eye and allow us to make a claim that a photograph is beautiful? Photography depends on consists of the trinity of light, composition and moment. When they are in balance, it’s real visual magic.

Light makes the recording of an image possible. the same is true with composition What a photographer choose to keep in or out of the frame, is all that we will see. When the moment the shutter is pressed, an instant is frozen in time, the image is provided with meaning.

Light, composition and moment come together to bring us an ultimate reality, a world unknown prior to the invention of the camera. Before photography, images were used to please, not to capture reality. But as it evolves, the rules were reacted in pursuit of a fresh vision.

Photographers become interested in the real world, good and bad, and it’s the accidental detail that was celebrated. Photography invites the world to see with new eyes, to see photographically. All of the arts have draw inspiration from this change.

With these aesthetic tools, photographers have evolved, from scientists longing to fix an image, to artistic revolutionaries. Photography have changed idea of beauty, created a new way of seeing , and most importantly, made art more democratic.

It has provided as a strong proof that the world is grander than we can image, and there is beauty, often overlooked, in nearly everything.
