Flink基础(三十三):FLINK-SQL语法(九)DDL(五)EXPLAIN 语句

EXPLAIN 语句用来解释一条 query 语句或者 INSERT 语句的逻辑计划和优化后的计划。

运行一条 EXPLAIN 语句

EXPLAIN 语句可以通过 TableEnvironment 的 executeSql() 执行,也可以在 SQL CLI 中执行 EXPLAIN 语句。 若 EXPLAIN 操作执行成功,executeSql() 方法返回解释的结果,否则会抛出异常。

以下的例子展示了如何在 TableEnvironment 和 SQL CLI 中执行一条 EXPLAIN 语句。

val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
val tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)

// register a table named "Orders"
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE MyTable1 (count bigint, work VARCHAR(256) WITH (...)")
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE MyTable2 (count bigint, work VARCHAR(256) WITH (...)")

// explain SELECT statement through TableEnvironment.explainSql()
val explanation = tEnv.explainSql(
  "SELECT count, word FROM MyTable1 WHERE word LIKE 'F%' " +
  "UNION ALL " + 
  "SELECT count, word FROM MyTable2")

// explain SELECT statement through TableEnvironment.executeSql()
val tableResult = tEnv.executeSql(
  "SELECT count, word FROM MyTable1 WHERE word LIKE 'F%' " +
  "UNION ALL " + 
  "SELECT count, word FROM MyTable2")
Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE MyTable1 (count bigint, work VARCHAR(256);
[INFO] Table has been created.

Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE MyTable2 (count bigint, work VARCHAR(256);
[INFO] Table has been created.

Flink SQL> EXPLAIN PLAN FOR SELECT count, word FROM MyTable1 WHERE word LIKE 'F%' 
> SELECT count, word FROM MyTable2;

执行 EXPLAIN 语句后的结果为:

== Abstract Syntax Tree ==
  LogicalFilter(condition=[LIKE($1, _UTF-16LE'F%')])
    FlinkLogicalTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MyTable1]], fields=[count, word])
  FlinkLogicalTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MyTable2]], fields=[count, word])

== Optimized Logical Plan ==
DataStreamUnion(all=[true], union all=[count, word])
  DataStreamCalc(select=[count, word], where=[LIKE(word, _UTF-16LE'F%')])
    TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MyTable1]], fields=[count, word])
  TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, MyTable2]], fields=[count, word])

== Physical Execution Plan ==
Stage 1 : Data Source
    content : collect elements with CollectionInputFormat

Stage 2 : Data Source
    content : collect elements with CollectionInputFormat

    Stage 3 : Operator
        content : from: (count, word)
        ship_strategy : REBALANCE

        Stage 4 : Operator
            content : where: (LIKE(word, _UTF-16LE'F%')), select: (count, word)
            ship_strategy : FORWARD

            Stage 5 : Operator
                content : from: (count, word)
                ship_strategy : REBALANCE


EXPLAIN PLAN FOR <query_statement_or_insert_statement>

