A powerful tool to parse xml -- Xpath!

The Xpath's javadoc could be got from the Dom4j's javadoc.

There are some simple regulation you must follow:

  1.When you want to use specific single node:



  2.When you want to use all the nodes which have the same name:



  3. * represent all the nodes in the specific path:


    //*     --------->  all the nodes

  4.The expression which has the square brackets could further specify the node. The number in the bracket gives the position you select/



  5.The attribute will be got by the @



But after knowing the regulation , where should we put it?

  //Get the document object

  SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();

  Document document = reader.read("");

  //get the data of node via document's selecNodes() or selectSingleNode()

  List<Node> nodes = document.selectNodes(" you can set your regulation here!!");

  Node node = document.selectSingleNode(" you can set your regulation here!!");

