超强的ORC控件Asprise OCR补丁发布

Featured: Asprise OCR Now Supports Multiple Languages/Platforms

Asprise OCR for Java/C# CSharp/VC/C/C++/VB/VB.NET/Delphi ON MAC, LINUX, BSD, SOLARIS, HPUX, UNIX, and WINDOWS. Asprise OCR is a high performance OCR (optical character recognition) engine, which offers API for Java, VB.NET, CSharp.NET, VC++, VB6.0, C, C++, Delphi on Windows, Mac, Linux and Solaris. Asprise OCR enables you to equip your applications with OCR ability easily.

Features of Asprise OCR include: Highest Level of Accuracy; Excellent Format Retention; High Speed; Ease of Use; Barcode Recognition; Flexible Licensing Scheme.Crack file



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