event driven的一些概念

1. event :Something that happens during your application that requires a response.

2.event object:The concrete representation of an event in wxPython including data attributes that encapsulate the specifics of the event. Events are represented as instances of the wx.Event class and its subclasses, such as wx.CommandEvent and wx.MouseEvent.

3.event type: An integer ID that wxPython adds to every event object. The event type gives further information about the nature of the event. For example, the event type of a wx.MouseEvent indicates whether the event is a mouse click or a mouse move.

4.event source :Any wxPython object that creates events. Examples are buttons, menu items, list boxes, or any other widget.

5.event-driven :A program structure where the bulk of time is spent waiting for, or respondingto, events.

6.event queue: A continuously maintained list of events that have already occurred, but have not yetbeen processed.

7.event handler: A written function or method that is called in response to an event. Also called a handler function or handler method.

8.event binder :A wxPython object that encapsulates the relationship between a specific widget, a specific event type, and an event handler. In order to be invoked, all event handlers

must be registered with an event binder.

9.wx.EvtHandler :A wxPython class that allows its instances to create a binding between an event binder of a specific type, an event source, and an event handler. Note that the class wx.EvtHandler is not the same thing as an event handler function or method

defined previously.
