NTU RGB+D数据集,骨架数据可视化

NTU RGB+D数据集链接GitHub链接


import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

def read_skeleton(file):
    with open(file, 'r') as f:
        skeleton_sequence = {}
        skeleton_sequence['numFrame'] = int(f.readline())
        skeleton_sequence['frameInfo'] = []
        for t in range(skeleton_sequence['numFrame']):
            frame_info = {}
            frame_info['numBody'] = int(f.readline())
            frame_info['bodyInfo'] = []
            for m in range(frame_info['numBody']):
                body_info = {}
                body_info_key = [
                    'bodyID', 'clipedEdges', 'handLeftConfidence',
                    'handLeftState', 'handRightConfidence', 'handRightState',
                    'isResticted', 'leanX', 'leanY', 'trackingState'
                body_info = {
                    k: float(v)
                    for k, v in zip(body_info_key, f.readline().split())
                body_info['numJoint'] = int(f.readline())
                body_info['jointInfo'] = []
                for v in range(body_info['numJoint']):
                    joint_info_key = [
                        'x', 'y', 'z', 'depthX', 'depthY', 'colorX', 'colorY',
                        'orientationW', 'orientationX', 'orientationY',
                        'orientationZ', 'trackingState'
                    joint_info = {
                        k: float(v)
                        for k, v in zip(joint_info_key, f.readline().split())
    return skeleton_sequence

def read_xyz(file, max_body=2, num_joint=25):
    seq_info = read_skeleton(file)
    data = np.zeros((3, seq_info['numFrame'], num_joint, max_body))
    for n, f in enumerate(seq_info['frameInfo']):
        for m, b in enumerate(f['bodyInfo']):
            for j, v in enumerate(b['jointInfo']):
                if m < max_body and j < num_joint:
                    data[:, n, j, m] = [v['x'], v['y'], v['z']]
    return data

data_path = '/Users/wangpeng/Desktop/nturgb+d_skeletons/S001C001P001R001A055.skeleton'
point = read_xyz(data_path)   # shape (3, num_frames, joints, 2)
print('read data done!')

xmax = np.max(point[0, :, :, :]) + 0.5
xmin = np.min(point[0, :, :, :]) - 0.5
ymax = np.max(point[1, :, :, :]) + 0.3
ymin = np.min(point[1, :, :, :]) - 0.3
zmax = np.max(point[2, :, :, :])
zmin = np.min(point[2, :, :, :])

row = point.shape[1]

# 相邻各节点列表,用来画节点之间的连接线
arms = [23, 11, 10, 9, 8, 20, 4, 5, 6, 7, 21]
rightHand = [11, 24]
leftHand = [7, 22]
legs = [19, 18, 17, 16, 0, 12, 13, 14, 15]
body = [3, 2, 20, 1, 0]

# 2D展示------------------------------------------------------------------------
n = 0     # 从第n帧开始展示
m = row   # 到第m帧结束,n<m<row
for i in range(n, m):
    plt.scatter(point[0, i, :, :], point[1, i, :, :], c='red', s=40.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, arms, 0], point[1, i, arms, 0], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, rightHand, 0], point[1, i, rightHand, 0], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, leftHand, 0], point[1, i, leftHand, 0], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, legs, 0], point[1, i, legs, 0], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, body, 0], point[1, i, body, 0], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, arms, 1], point[1, i, arms, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, rightHand, 1], point[1, i, rightHand, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, leftHand, 1], point[1, i, leftHand, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, legs, 1], point[1, i, legs, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.plot(point[0, i, body, 1], point[1, i, body, 1], c='green', lw=2.0)
    plt.text(xmax-0.5, ymax-0.1, 'frame: {}/{}'.format(i, row-1))
    # plt.text(xmax-0.8, ymax-0.4, 'label: ' + str(label[i]))
    plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
    plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)




NTU 60 的动作名称:

action_names = ['drink water', 'eat meal', 'brushing teeth', 'brushing hair', 'drop', 'pickup', 'throw', 'sitting down', 'standing up', 'clapping', 'reading', 'writing', 'tear up paper', 'wear jacket', 'take off jacket', 'wear a shoe', 'take off a shoe', 'wear on glasses', 'take off glasses', 'put on a hat', 'take off a hat', 'cheer up', 'hand waving', 'kicking something', 'reach into pocket', 'hopping', 'jump up', 'make a phone call', 'playing with phone', 'typing on a keyboard', 'pointing to something with finger', 'taking a selfie', 'check time from watch', 'rub two hands together', 'nod head', 'shake head', 'wipe face', 'salute', 'put the palms together', 'cross hands in front', 'sneeze', 'staggering', 'falling', 'touch head (headache)', 'touch chest (heart pain)', 'touch back (backache)', 'touch neck (neckache)', 'nausea', 'use a fan', 'punching other person', 'kicking other person', 'pushing other person', 'pat on back of other person', 'point finger at the other person', 'hugging other person', 'giving something to other person', 'touch some person pocket', 'handshaking', 'walking towards each other', 'walking apart from each other']