Rake: wrong number of arguments (3 for 2) 小青年

Rake is a simple ruby build program similar to make. There are many versions of Rake are available. If you are using Rake-0.9.x you might come to the error, “wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) (ArgumentError)”. While the same piece of code runs without error on Rake-0.8.x.

Here you will find the two methods to deal with this problem. The first one is simple, remove 0.9.x version and install 0.8.x version the latest one is in this series is 0.8.7.

$ gem uninstall rake –v 0.9.x
$ gem install rake –v 0.8.7

The second method is to use rake command with version number.
$ rake _0.8.7_
