转载:Notepad for PowerShell PowerGUI 1.0.11 is out

PowerGUI 1.0.11 is out and can be freely downloaded from PowerGUI downloads page.

This is probably one of the most community-driven releases we had. Most of the features are implementations of enhancements and fixes suggested by the PowerGUI community and the key features - stand-alone PowerShell script editor is no exception.

That’s right, now you can use the script editor we introduced in 1.0.9 not just for PowerGUI node, actions, and links but also for any ps1 files on your disk:


The editor has all you would expect:

  • Syntax highlight,
  • Intellisense for PowerShell cmdlets and cmdlet parameters,
  • Tooltips with syntax information,
  • Matching brackets, search/replace, regions,
  • Ability to export, run, print, etc.

And more importantly we tried to do our best to add these goodies without sacrificing the advantages of the main PowerShell editor on the market today - Windows Notepad. The script editor:

  • Is absolutely free (installs as one of the features of PowerGUI), and
  • Is very lightweight and fast.

(I know that bundling it with Windows would have been even better but I am not sure EU would have allowed us to do that. ;))

Thanks to the PowerGUI community and especially Kirk the Poshoholic and Richard Siddaway (from PowerShell UK UG) for pushing us into that direction.

源文档 <http://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2007/10/08/notepad-for-powershell-powergui-1011-is-out/>
