

郁闷了一天,然后今天吃完饭突然想到可以用Bake Key工具来把所有点bake成动画曲线。测试之后,用低模版本的海面,做了100帧,之后的场景速度慢到动一下得等个几分钟才能缓过来。方法可以,只是效率太低。如果事情要是这样,恐怕得写个脚本把它放到幕后执行了,希望那样能好。


Geometry caching is killing me, all animation will be lost if I try to create a cache for a cached geometry mesh.

I thought about this now and then while being stuck by this, and then something occurs to me that I can bake all the vertices' position information into animation curves. So I did a test with the low poly mesh for 100 frames, and it takes ages to refresh the viewport! OMG... The methodology is proved to be workable but the speed is too low, I'm afraid I have to write a script for it to go in backburner, hope it goes well.

And just for fun, this, is a maelstrom kind of thing went through my mind and I did a quick draw, no serious thought to make it realistic or something. Then I put some particles on it, resulting these nice looking pictures, well at least I think so. VFX artists can go weird now and then right?
