

用法:通过在类中使用use 关键字,声明要组合的Trait名称,具体的Trait的声明使用Trait关键词,Trait不能实例化


trait Dog{
    public $name="dog";
    public function bark(){
        echo "This is dog";
class Animal{
    public function eat(){
        echo "This is animal eat";
class Cat extends Animal{
    use Dog;
    public function drive(){
        echo "This is cat drive";
$cat = new Cat();
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";




trait Dog{
    public $name="dog";
    public function drive(){
        echo "This is dog drive";
    public function eat(){
        echo "This is dog eat";

class Animal{
    public function drive(){
        echo "This is animal drive";
    public function eat(){
        echo "This is animal eat";

class Cat extends Animal{
    use Dog;
    public function drive(){
        echo "This is cat drive";
$cat = new Cat();
echo "<br/>";


所以:Trait中的方法或属性会覆盖 基类中的同名的方法或属性,而本类会覆盖Trait中同名的属性或方法


use trait1,trait2

当不同的trait中,却有着同名的方法或属性,会产生冲突,可以使用insteadof或 as进行解决,insteadof 是进行替代,而as是给它取别名

trait trait1{
    public function eat(){
        echo "This is trait1 eat";
    public function drive(){
        echo "This is trait1 drive";
trait trait2{
    public function eat(){
        echo "This is trait2 eat";
    public function drive(){
        echo "This is trait2 drive";
class cat{
    use trait1,trait2{
        trait1::eat insteadof trait2;
        trait1::drive insteadof trait2;
class dog{
    use trait1,trait2{
        trait1::eat insteadof trait2;
        trait1::drive insteadof trait2;
        trait2::eat as eaten;
        trait2::drive as driven;
$cat = new cat();
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
$dog = new dog();
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";



as 还可以修改方法的访问控制

trait Animal{
    public function eat(){
        echo "This is Animal eat";

class Dog{
    use Animal{
        eat as protected;
class Cat{
    use Animal{
        Animal::eat as private eaten;
$dog = new Dog();

$cat = new Cat();


trait Cat{
    public function eat(){
        echo "This is Cat eat";

trait Dog{
    use Cat;
    public function drive(){
        echo "This is Dog drive";
    abstract public function getName();
    public function test(){
        static $num=0;
        echo $num;
    public static function say(){
        echo "This is Dog say";
class animal{
    use Dog;
    public function getName(){
        echo "This is animal name";

$animal = new animal();
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";



let the world have no hard-to-write code ^-^