2019-02-14 05:13:09  WARNING OGG-01519  Waiting at EOF on input trail file /home/u01/app/ogg/dirdat/MB000000002,
 which is not marked as complete; but succeeding trail file /home/u01/app/ogg/dirdat/MB000000003 exists. If ALTE
R ETROLLOVER has been performed on source extract, ALTER EXTSEQNO must be performed on each corresponding downst
ream reader.


GGSCI (rst.wonders.oracle) 7> stop lr02

Sending STOP request to REPLICAT LR02 ...
Request processed.

GGSCI (rst.wonders.oracle) 8> alter replicat lr02 extseqno 3 extrba 0

2019-02-14 10:29:26  INFO    OGG-06594  Replicat LR02 has been altered. Even the start up position might be updated, duplicate suppression remains active in next startup. To override duplicate suppression, start LR02 with NOFILTERDUPTRANSACTIONS option.

REPLICAT (Integrated) altered.

GGSCI (rst.wonders.oracle) 9> start lr02 NOFILTERDUPTRANSACTIONS

GGSCI (rst.wonders.oracle) 12> view report lr02

2019-02-14 10:29:58  INFO    OGG-02232  Switching to next trail file /home/u01/app/ogg/dirdat/MB000000005 at 201
9-02-14 10:29:58.643080 due to EOF. with current RBA 1,474.
Processed extract process graceful restart record at seq 5, rba 1412.
