【zt】PWS、TheBeerHouse、PetShop 4.0、DNN学习收藏整理

PWS、TheBeerHouse、PetShop 4.0、DNN学习收藏整理

ASP.NET 常见参考项目的 UI、BLL 、Model 、 DAL 分析






Introduction to the Personal Web Site Starter Kit:Inside Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition, you will find the Personal Web Site Starter Kit, ready for you to start working with right away. The Personal Web Site Starter Kit is designed to provide you with a tool that you can use to quickly put up a worthwhile Web site. This starter kit provides you with a basic home page, a page for your resume, another to place a collection of your favorite links, and another page that enables you to publish your photos.



Microsoft Personal Web Site Starter Kit – Random Image Web User Control: How to create a web user control to show a random photo on the home page of Microsoft Personal Web Site Starter Kit



VS2005自带个人网站学习工具~研究 系列 (1)(2)(3): VS2005自带了一个所谓"个人网站初学者学习工具"(简称tool了~),实质上这是个个人网站的建站系统,而它虽然不大,却已经包含了绝大多数.net 2.0的新特性,masterpage theme DataSouce Membership等等....在现在看petshop程序还是一头雾水的水平下,学习这个显然是明智的选择







TheBeerHouse: CMS and E-Commerce Web Site : The Official Microsoft ASP.NET 2: TheBeerHouse starter kit enables you to implement a website with functionality typically associated with a CMS/e-commerce site. This website demonstrates key features of ASP.NET 2.0 and is the sample used in the book, "ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming / Problem - Design - Solution."


TheBeerHouse: CMS & e-commerce StarterKit: Discussions for TheBeerHouse: CMS & e-commerce StarterKit


TheBeerHouse分析: 这个咚咚在微软的官方有下载的,属于麻雀虽小五脏俱全类型的,几乎asp.net2.0新的都用到


PetShop 4.0


Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4: Migrating an ASP.NET 1.1 Application to 2.0:The .NET Pet Shop application is designed to show the best practices for building enterprise, n-tier .NET 2.0 applications that may need to support a variety of database platforms and deployment scenarios. (25 printed pages) 。 Click here to download .NET Pet Shop 4.0.msi. (中文版 Microsoft .NET Pet Shop 4:将 ASP.NET 1.1 应用程序迁移到 2.0


Pet Shop 4.0 架构与技术分析PPT微软刚推出了基于ASP.NET 2.0下的Pet Shop 4, 该版本有了一个全新的用户界面。是研究ASP.NET 2.0的好范例


PetShop 4.0架构与技术分析(1) (2)


petshop4.0 详解


《解剖PetShop》系列:(1)PetShop的系统架构设计、(2)PetShop数据访问层之数据库访问设计 、(3)PetShop数据访问层之消息处理 、(4)PetShop之ASP.NET缓存 、(5)PetShop之业务逻辑层设计 、(6)PetShop之表示层设计




. Net环境下消息队列(MSMQ)对象的应用:关于消息对象(MSMQ)的一些基本概念可以从《消息队列(Message Queue)简介及其使用》查阅,这里归纳在.Net 环境下应用消息队列(MSMQ)开发的一些基本对象和方法。此计算机上尚未安装“消息队列”








