


 1 [root@server0 test]# lsblk
 3 sda                      8:0    0   40G  0 disk 
 4 ├─sda1                   8:1    0  3.9G  0 part [SWAP]
 5 └─sda2                   8:2    0 36.1G  0 part /
 6 sdb                      8:16   0   20G  0 disk 
 7 ├─sdb1                   8:17   0    3G  0 part /mnt/mypart
 8 ├─sdb2                   8:18   0    3G  0 part 
 9 │ └─datastore-database 253:1    0   50M  0 lvm  /mnt/database
10 ├─sdb3                   8:19   0    4G  0 part 
11 ├─sdb4                   8:20   0    1K  0 part 
12 └─sdb5                   8:21   0    5G  0 part 
13   └─systemvg-vo        253:0    0    3G  0 lvm  /vo
14 sr0                     11:0    1  3.5G  0 rom  




命令:pvcreate /dev/sdb6

1 [root@server0 test]# pvcreate /dev/sdb6
2 WARNING: ext4 signature detected on /dev/sdb6 at offset 1080. Wipe it? [y/n] y
3   Wiping ext4 signature on /dev/sdb6.
4   Physical volume "/dev/sdb6" successfully created
5 [root@server0 test]# 



 1 [root@server0 test]# pvs
 2   PV         VG        Fmt  Attr PSize PFree
 3   /dev/sdb2  datastore lvm2 a--  3.00g 2.95g
 4   /dev/sdb3  datastore lvm2 a--  4.00g 4.00g
 5   /dev/sdb5  systemvg  lvm2 a--  5.00g 2.00g
 6   /dev/sdb6            lvm2 a--  3.00g 3.00g
 7 [root@server0 test]# pvdisplay 
 8   --- Physical volume ---
 9   PV Name               /dev/sdb2
10   VG Name               datastore
11   PV Size               3.00 GiB / not usable 4.00 MiB
12   Allocatable           yes 
13   PE Size               1.00 MiB
14   Total PE              3068
15   Free PE               3018
16   Allocated PE          50
17   PV UUID               PdklER-NnmF-aVNj-BM6e-g4Lr-4fwD-3PnkfN
19   --- Physical volume ---
20   PV Name               /dev/sdb3
21   VG Name               datastore
22   PV Size               4.00 GiB / not usable 4.00 MiB
23   Allocatable           yes 
24   PE Size               1.00 MiB
25   Total PE              4092
26   Free PE               4092
27   Allocated PE          0
28   PV UUID               GWB0qa-GOc1-GjoY-n2ms-P6XC-wo3a-wVhtnS
30   --- Physical volume ---
31   PV Name               /dev/sdb5
32   VG Name               systemvg
33   PV Size               5.00 GiB / not usable 4.00 MiB
34   Allocatable           yes 
35   PE Size               4.00 MiB
36   Total PE              1279
37   Free PE               511
38   Allocated PE          768
39   PV UUID               8h8YCG-bic8-f0lT-RAYx-MG0L-dr0b-WZu6Mj
41   "/dev/sdb6" is a new physical volume of "3.00 GiB"
42   --- NEW Physical volume ---
43   PV Name               /dev/sdb6
44   VG Name               
45   PV Size               3.00 GiB
46   Allocatable           NO
47   PE Size               0   
48   Total PE              0
49   Free PE               0
50   Allocated PE          0
51   PV UUID               TUwqlG-v5mn-KYgR-Js6U-e8Vv-0oOP-kXBx0l
53 [root@server0 test]# 



命令:vgcreate 卷组名   物理卷路径

1 [root@server0 test]# vgcreate yck-vg /dev/sdb6 
2   Volume group "yck-vg" successfully created
3 [root@server0 test]# 
4 [root@server0 test]# 



 1 [root@server0 test]# 
 2 [root@server0 test]# vgs
 3   VG        #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize VFree
 4   datastore   2   1   0 wz--n- 6.99g 6.94g
 5   systemvg    1   1   0 wz--n- 5.00g 2.00g
 6   yck-vg      1   0   0 wz--n- 3.00g 3.00g
 7 [root@server0 test]# 
 8 [root@server0 test]# vgdisplay 
 9   --- Volume group ---
10   VG Name               datastore
11   System ID             
12   Format                lvm2
13   Metadata Areas        2
14   Metadata Sequence No  3
15   VG Access             read/write
16   VG Status             resizable
17   MAX LV                0
18   Cur LV                1
19   Open LV               1
20   Max PV                0
21   Cur PV                2
22   Act PV                2
23   VG Size               6.99 GiB
24   PE Size               1.00 MiB
25   Total PE              7160
26   Alloc PE / Size       50 / 50.00 MiB
27   Free  PE / Size       7110 / 6.94 GiB
28   VG UUID               AiuBQp-0adW-yxIA-tUK3-66vp-P1TR-fHlnhf
30   --- Volume group ---
31   VG Name               systemvg
32   System ID             
33   Format                lvm2
34   Metadata Areas        1
35   Metadata Sequence No  2
36   VG Access             read/write
37   VG Status             resizable
38   MAX LV                0
39   Cur LV                1
40   Open LV               1
41   Max PV                0
42   Cur PV                1
43   Act PV                1
44   VG Size               5.00 GiB
45   PE Size               4.00 MiB
46   Total PE              1279
47   Alloc PE / Size       768 / 3.00 GiB
48   Free  PE / Size       511 / 2.00 GiB
49   VG UUID               pDh2Ip-vLM2-Q8A3-bpy2-CYBM-kq1c-ppZVhu
51   --- Volume group ---
52   VG Name               yck-vg
53   System ID             
54   Format                lvm2
55   Metadata Areas        1
56   Metadata Sequence No  1
57   VG Access             read/write
58   VG Status             resizable
59   MAX LV                0
60   Cur LV                0
61   Open LV               0
62   Max PV                0
63   Cur PV                1
64   Act PV                1
65   VG Size               3.00 GiB
66   PE Size               4.00 MiB
67   Total PE              767
68   Alloc PE / Size       0 / 0   
69   Free  PE / Size       767 / 3.00 GiB
70   VG UUID               67nE5O-mWoH-qFKI-0FmI-wAxf-UxRA-eufi12
72 [root@server0 test]# 



命令:lvcreate -n 逻辑卷名  -L 逻辑卷大小 /-l PE数量  卷组名


1 [root@server0 test]# 
2 [root@server0 test]# lvcreate -n yck -L 2G yck-vg
3   Logical volume "yck" created
4 [root@server0 test]# 






1 [root@server0 test]# lvs
2   LV       VG        Attr       LSize  Pool Origin Data%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
3   database datastore -wi-ao---- 50.00m                                             
4   vo       systemvg  -wi-ao----  3.00g                                             
5   yck      yck-vg    -wi-a-----  2.00g                                             
6 [root@server0 test]# 


 1 [root@server0 test]# lvdisplay 
 2   --- Logical volume ---
 3   LV Path                /dev/datastore/database
 4   LV Name                database
 5   VG Name                datastore
 6   LV UUID                E0XokF-Vc3R-wzhC-8Bv0-6Svj-FifU-9UcbfA
 7   LV Write Access        read/write
 8   LV Creation host, time server0.example.com, 2019-04-10 14:25:38 +0800
 9   LV Status              available
10   # open                 1
11   LV Size                50.00 MiB
12   Current LE             50
13   Segments               1
14   Allocation             inherit
15   Read ahead sectors     auto
16   - currently set to     8192
17   Block device           253:1
19   --- Logical volume ---
20   LV Path                /dev/systemvg/vo
21   LV Name                vo
22   VG Name                systemvg
23   LV UUID                NEZs7g-hlWw-Qfel-EbkO-8Pq6-dTx3-QEREXx
24   LV Write Access        read/write
25   LV Creation host, time server0.example.com, 2019-04-10 14:13:28 +0800
26   LV Status              available
27   # open                 1
28   LV Size                3.00 GiB
29   Current LE             768
30   Segments               1
31   Allocation             inherit
32   Read ahead sectors     auto
33   - currently set to     8192
34   Block device           253:0
36   --- Logical volume ---
37   LV Path                /dev/yck-vg/yck
38   LV Name                yck
39   VG Name                yck-vg
40   LV UUID                a5xWyy-xRwe-Jso3-UC3S-nHvX-ocze-ypmrmX
41   LV Write Access        read/write
42   LV Creation host, time server0.example.com, 2019-04-10 17:06:31 +0800
43   LV Status              available
44   # open                 0
45   LV Size                2.00 GiB
46   Current LE             512
47   Segments               1
48   Allocation             inherit
49   Read ahead sectors     auto
50   - currently set to     8192
51   Block device           253:2
53 [root@server0 test]# 


 1 [root@server0 test]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/yck-vg/yck 
 2 mke2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
 3 Filesystem label=
 4 OS type: Linux
 5 Block size=4096 (log=2)
 6 Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
 7 Stride=0 blocks, Stripe width=0 blocks
 8 131072 inodes, 524288 blocks
 9 26214 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
10 First data block=0
11 Maximum filesystem blocks=536870912
12 16 block groups
13 32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
14 8192 inodes per group
15 Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
16     32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912
18 Allocating group tables: done                            
19 Writing inode tables: done                            
20 Creating journal (16384 blocks): done
21 Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done 

