
#include "stdio.h"
#include "malloc.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
long GetSize(char* path)
    long currentPosition;
    long size;
    FILE *fp;    
       /* Save the current position. */
       currentPosition = ftell(fp);
       /* Jump to the end of the file. */
       fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_END );
       /* Get the end position. */
       size = ftell( fp );
       /* Jump back to the original position. */
       fseek( fp, currentPosition, SEEK_SET );
       return size;

    /*struct stat buf;
    if( stat(path, &buf ) != -1 ) {
        return buf.st_size;
    return -1;*/


void ReadTxt(char *path)
    FILE *file=fopen(path,"rt");
    //或者 char str[10];
    char *str=(char *)malloc(10);

void ReadChar(char *path)
    FILE *file=fopen(path,"rt");
    char c;

void ReadTxtByLength(char *path)
    long length=GetSize(path)+1;

    FILE *file=fopen(path,"rt");
    //或者 char str[10];
    char *str=(char *)malloc(length);
#define type void
void CopyFile(char *originalPath,char *desPath)
    long length=GetSize(originalPath);
    type *buffer=(type *)malloc(length);
    FILE *fp=fopen(originalPath,"rb");

    FILE *newFile=fopen(desPath,"wb");


void main()