Sina App Engine(SAE)入门教程(9)- SaeMail(邮件)使用

* @author lazypeople<>
* @function send mail
* @package lazypeople
function send_mail_lazypeople($to, $subject = 'Your register infomation', $body) {
    $loc_host = "SAE";        
    $smtp_acc = "你的账号地址";
    $headers = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64";
";             //linebreak
    $hdr = explode($lb,$headers);  
   if($body) {$bdy = preg_replace("/^./","..",explode($lb,$body));}//??????Body

    $smtp = array(
          array("EHLO ".$loc_host.$lb,"220,250","HELO error: "),
          array("AUTH LOGIN".$lb,"334","AUTH error:"),
          array(base64_encode($smtp_acc).$lb,"334","AUTHENTIFICATION error : "),
          array(base64_encode($smtp_pass).$lb,"235","AUTHENTIFICATION error : "));
    $smtp[] = array("MAIL FROM: <".$from.">".$lb,"250","MAIL FROM error: ");
    $smtp[] = array("RCPT TO: <".$to.">".$lb,"250","RCPT TO error: ");
    $smtp[] = array("DATA".$lb,"354","DATA error: ");
    $smtp[] = array("From: ".$from.$lb,"","");
    $smtp[] = array("To: ".$to.$lb,"","");
    $smtp[] = array("Subject: ".$subject.$lb,"","");
    foreach($hdr as $h) {$smtp[] = array($h.$lb,"","");}
    $smtp[] = array($lb,"","");
    if($bdy) {foreach($bdy as $b) {$smtp[] = array(base64_encode($b.$lb).$lb,"","");}}
    $smtp[] = array(".".$lb,"250","DATA(end)error: ");
    $smtp[] = array("QUIT".$lb,"221","QUIT error: ");
    $fp = @fsockopen($smtp_host, 25);
    if (!$fp) echo "Error: Cannot conect to ".$smtp_host."
    while($result = @fgets($fp, 1024)){if(substr($result,3,1) == " ") { break; }}
    foreach($smtp as $req){
          @fputs($fp, $req[0]);
                while($result = @fgets($fp, 1024)){
                    if(substr($result,3,1) == " ") { break; }
                if (!strstr($req[1],substr($result,0,3))){
    return $result_str;


