<C Primer Plus>5 Looping while

 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 int main(void){
 3     long num;
 4     long sum = 0L;
 5     int status;
 7     printf("Please input an integer to be summed.");
 8     printf("(q to quit): ");
 9     status = scanf("%ld", &num);
10     while (status == 1){
11         sum = sum + num;
12         printf("Pleast enter next integer (q to quit):");
13         status = scanf("%ld", &num);
14     }
15     printf("Those integers sum to %ld.
", sum);
17     return 0;
18 }
The pseudocode:

  initialize sum to 0
  prompt user
  read input
  while the input is an integer
      add the input to sum
      promt user
      then read the next input

  after input completes ,print sum
 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 int main(void){
 3     long num;
 4     long sum = 0L;
 6     printf("Please input an integer to be summed.");
 7     printf("(q to quit): ");
 8     while (1 == scanf("%ld", &num) ){
 9         sum += num;
10         printf("Pleast enter next integer (q to quit):");
11     }
12     printf("Those integers sum to %ld.
", sum);
14     return 0;
15 }

The pseudocode :
while getting and testing the value succeeds
  process the value


A for loop is appropriate when the loop involves initializing and updating a variable, and a while loop is better when the conditions are othervise.

for example:

while (scanf("%ld",&num) == 1)

for(count = 1;count <= 100; count++)
