dbcm with kubenetes

1. create consul

# kcompose convert -f /root/gitSwarm/dbcm-base-managers/compose/consul.yml

genetate two files:

consul-deployment.yaml  consul-service.yaml

# kubectl create -f consul-deployment.yaml -f consul-service.yaml

get consul cluster virtual ip:

# kubectl get svc consul

NAME      TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                        AGE

consul    ClusterIP   <none>        8500/TCP,8300/TCP,8301/TCP,8302/TCP,8400/TCP   16h

2. create mysql

After put metadata to consul(no change):

# kcompose convert -f /root/gitSwarm/dbcm-base-managers/compose/mysql.yml

genetate two files:

mysql-deployment.yaml  mysql-service.yaml

modify mysql-deployment.yaml:


spec.replicas = (instance number)

image = (mysql latest image)



    CONSUL = (consul cluster virtual ip)


# kubectl create -f mysql-deployment.yaml -f mysql-service.yaml

# kubectl get po -l io.kompose.service=mysql

NAME                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

mysql-5b5d895b79-gxrbl   1/1       Running   0          2h

mysql-5b5d895b79-s9j5k   1/1       Running   0          2h


consul service name no change

service id changes to mysql-all-{pod name}  mysql-primary-{pod name}

just like "mysql-all-mysql-5b5d895b79-gxrbl"  "mysql-primary-mysql-5b5d895b79-gxrb2"

3. scale cluster

# kubectl scale -f mysql-deployment.yaml --replicas=3

auto scale:

# kubectl autoscale -f mysql-deployment.yaml --min=2 --max=5 --cpu-percent=70

4. delete cluster

# kubectl delete -f mysql-deployment.yaml

5. get node log

# kubectl logs mysql-5b5d895b79-gxrbl(pod name)

6. RollingUpdate

# kubectl set image deployment/mysql mysql=registry.bst-1.cns.bstjpc.com:5000/dbelt/mysql-ms-mysql-v5.6.36-v0.5.0:20180206_update

check update status

# kubectl rollout status deployment/mysql


# kubectl rollout undo deployment/mysql

7. multiAZ

# kubectl label nodes mhc zone=beijing

modify mysql-deployment.yaml:



8. run command

kubectl exec [flag] pod_name shell_command

# kubectl exec -ti mysql-55d5cbc5c4-fjgfj bash

9. resize


kubectl set resources deployment nginx-deployment -c=nginx --limits=cpu=200m,memory=512Mi


1. stop/restart cluster

2. get cluster log


1. make deployment name unique


[root@mhc k8s]# kubectl label pod consul-5f557878f4-974hw role=master
pod "consul-5f557878f4-974hw" labeled
[root@mhc k8s]#
[root@mhc k8s]# kubectl label pod consul-5f557878f4-hg6sh role=slave
pod "consul-5f557878f4-hg6sh" labeled
[root@mhc k8s]# kubectl get po -l role=master
NAME                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
consul-5f557878f4-974hw   1/1       Running   0          17h


1. https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose

2. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes
