
公司里用Questa Sim做仿真,其实跟ModelSim差不多,总结常用的命令如下。

1  启动

vsim -gui

2  编译 -- VCOM

 [-2008 | -2002 | -93 | -87]  Choose VHDL 2008, 2002, 1993, or 1987
 [-explicit]             Resolve ambiguous overloads
 [-work <libname>]         Specify work library
 <filename(s)>             VHDL file(s) to be compiled

3  仿真 -- VSIM

 [-t [<mult>]<unit>]   Time resolution

4  Example

# Clear former sim
quit  -sim

# Make library directory structure
if {[file exits work] == 0}
    vlib work
    vmap work work   

# Compile files
# Here set your own directory
set srcpath ../hdl

vcom -93 -explicit -work work $srcpath/spi_master.vhd

# Simulation commands
vsim -t 1ps tb_spi

add wave -noupdate -radix hex -group mut mut:*
configure wave -timelineunits ms
configure wave -namecolwidth 170
configure wave -valuecolwidth 75
configure wave -signalnamewidth 1

run 1 ms
wave zoom full


6  configure wave

  -signalnamewidth [<value>]

  (optional) Controls the number of hierarchical regions displayed as part of a signal name shown in the pathname pane.

        Can also be set with the WaveSignalNameWidth variable in the modelsim.ini file.

  <value> — Any non-negative integer where the default is 0 (display the full path). 

        1 displays only the leaf path element, 2 displays the last two path elements, and so on.
