

<where>可以处理拼接sql中 【开头】第一个and

<trim>可以处理拼接sql中 【开头或结尾】第一个and

开头:给拼接的sql加prefix="where" suffixOverrides="and",处理拼接sql中开头第一个and

<select id="queryStudentByNoWithONGL" parameterType="student" resultType="student">
        select * from student1
        <trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and">
            <if test="stuName != null and stuName != '' ">
                and stuName like  '%${stuName}%'
            <if test="graName != null and graName != '' ">
                and graName like  '%${graName}%'
            <if test="stuAge != null and stuAge != '' ">
                and stuAge like  '%${stuAge}%'


<select id="queryStudentByNoWithONGL" parameterType="student" resultType="student">
        select * from student1
        <trim prefix="where" suffixOverrides="and">
            <if test="stuName != null and stuName != '' ">
                stuName like  '%${stuName}%' and
            <if test="graName != null and graName != '' ">
                graName like  '%${graName}%' and
            <if test="stuAge != null and stuAge != '' ">
                stuAge =  #{stuAge} and

predix:拼接  prefixOverrides:删除



<select id="queryStudentByNoWithONGL" parameterType="student" resultType="student">
        /*select * from student1 where 1=1*/
        select * from student1
        <trim prefix="where" suffixOverrides="and">
            <if test="_parameter.stuName != null and _parameter.stuName != '' ">
                stuName like  '%${_parameter.stuName}%' and
            <if test="graName != null and graName != '' ">
                graName like  '%${graName}%' and
            <if test="stuAge != null and stuAge != '' ">
                stuAge =  #{stuAge} and

