Tech road one step Nov-28 to Dec-4

tech road one step

1. Tech

1. Architecture

  1. <EIP> 温习理解,结合 EIS 思考消息传递系统的设计
    1. <rabbitMQ in depth> 温习理解MQ
    2. <rabbimtMQ in action> 温习理解MQ
    3. <spring boot2 reciple> 温习 Spring boot rabbitMQ
  2. <企业应用架构设计> 多用户访问资源控制,结合EIS思考
  3. <Java 应用架构设计> 温习, chapter 8, 结合EIS 依赖解耦思考
  4. <MS Arc DP> 学习 ms architecture dp
  5. <DDD implict> 学习 DDD 设计思想,context

2. Design pattern

  1. Bob PPP chapter19 学习实践
  2. <design pattern explain> factory 系列

3. Framework

  1. Spring web async process
  2. Gson parse, JS pg

4. Java

  1. FP, Stream data process
  2. Aysnc
  3. <effect java> notation

5. build 

  1. Gradle CI/CD
  2. Groovy programming

6. Data

  1. Hibernate with spring boot
  2. DB


1. EIS (platform)

  1. Present data, interface programming with backend responsibility
  2. Present function, js business programming
  3. Present UI, thymeleaf
  4. Present UI, Jquery UI design
  5. Present UI, JqGrid treeTable
  6. Global exception process
  7. log process

2. EIS (brms)

  1. extension unit programming
  2. exception process, with MQ.
  3. global exception process,
  4. log process.

3. EIS (MQ)

  1. MQ issues fix. ack
  2. MQ system log.
  3. 思考压测.