fossil 使用

~$ fossil update
Cannot figure out who you are! Consider using the --user
command line option, setting your USER environment variable,
or setting a default user with "fossil user default USER".
cannot determine user

~$ fossil user list
anonymous Anon
developer Dev
nobody Nobody
reader Reader
~$ fossil user ls
anonymous Anon
developer Dev
nobody Nobody
reader Reader
~$ fossil user default anonymous
~$ fossil update
Round-trips: 1 Artifacts sent: 0 received: 0
Pull done, sent: 310 received: 613 ip:
checkout: b0e38cf244ef67d22ef54e9bdb29d9455bc52d5e 2018-10-13 10:36:12 UTC
tags: trunk
comment: {4847} XE5 and higher FireDAC DriverID for firebird definition fix - thanks Oleg Tretyakov for the github pull request! (user: ab)
changes: None. Already up-to-date



Usage: fossil user SUBCOMMAND ...  ?-R|--repository FILE?

Run various subcommands on users of the open repository or of
the repository identified by the -R or --repository option.

   fossil user capabilities USERNAME ?STRING?

       Query or set the capabilities for user USERNAME

   fossil user default ?USERNAME?

       Query or set the default user.  The default user is the
       user for command-line interaction.

   fossil user list
   fossil user ls

       List all users known to the repository

   fossil user new ?USERNAME? ?CONTACT-INFO? ?PASSWORD?

       Create a new user in the repository.  Users can never be
       deleted.  They can be denied all access but they must continue
       to exist in the database.

   fossil user password USERNAME ?PASSWORD?

       Change the web access password for a user.