Java基础之处理事件——选项按钮的鼠标监听器(Lottery 2 with mouse listener)



 1 // Mouse event handler for a selection button
 2 import java.awt.Cursor;
 3 import java.awt.event.*;
 5 public class MouseHandler extends MouseAdapter {
 6   Cursor handCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR);
 7   Cursor defaultCursor = new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR);
 9   // Handle mouse entering the selection button
10   @Override
11   public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
12     e.getComponent().setCursor(handCursor);                            // Switch to hand cursor
13   }
14   // Handle mouse exiting the selection button
15   @Override
16   public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
17     e.getComponent().setCursor(defaultCursor);                         // Change to default cursor
18   }
19 }


  1 // Applet to generate lottery entries
  2 import javax.swing.*;
  3 import java.awt.*;
  4 import java.awt.event.*;
  5 import java.util.Random;               // For random number generator
  7 @SuppressWarnings("serial")
  8 public class Lottery extends JApplet {
  9   // Generate NUMBER_COUNT random selections from the VALUES array
 10   private static int[] getNumbers() {
 11     int[] numbers = new int[NUMBER_COUNT];                             // Store for the numbers to be returned
 12     int candidate = 0;                                                 // Stores a candidate selection
 13     for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_COUNT; ++i) {                            // Loop to find the selections
 15       search:
 16       // Loop to find a new selection different from any found so far
 17       while(true) {
 18         candidate = VALUES[choice.nextInt(VALUES.length)];
 19         for(int j = 0 ; j < i ; ++j) {                                 // Check against existing selections
 20           if(candidate==numbers[j]) {                                  // If it is the same
 21             continue search;                                           // get another random selection
 22           }
 23         }
 24         numbers[i] = candidate;                                        // Store the selection in numbers array
 25         break;                                                         // and go to find the next
 26       }
 27     }
 28     return numbers;                                                    // Return the selections
 29   }
 31   // Initialize the applet
 32   @Override
 33   public void init() {
 34     SwingUtilities.invokeLater(                                        // Create interface components
 35       new Runnable() {                                                 // on the event dispatching thread
 36         public void run() {
 37           createGUI();
 38         }
 39     });
 40   }
 42   // Create User Interface for applet
 43   public void createGUI() {
 44     // Set up the selection buttons
 45     Container content = getContentPane();
 46     content.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,1));                            // Set the layout for the applet
 48     // Set up the panel to hold the lucky number buttons
 49     JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel();                                  // Add the pane containing numbers
 51     // Let's have a fancy panel border
 52     buttonPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(
 53                          BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(Color.cyan,
 54                                                 ,
 55                                                           "Every One a Winner!"));
 57     int[] choices = getNumbers();                                      // Get initial set of numbers
 58     MouseHandler mouseHandler = new MouseHandler();                    // Create the listener
 59     for(int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_COUNT ; ++i) {
 60       luckyNumbers[i] = new Selection(choices[i]);
 61       luckyNumbers[i].addActionListener(luckyNumbers[i]);               // Button is it's own listener
 62       luckyNumbers[i].addMouseListener(mouseHandler);
 63       buttonPane.add(luckyNumbers[i]);
 64     }
 65     content.add(buttonPane);
 67     // Add the pane containing control buttons
 68    JPanel controlPane = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 5, 10));
 70     // Add the two control buttons
 71     JButton button;                                                    // A button variable
 72     Dimension buttonSize = new Dimension(100,20);                      // Button size
 74     controlPane.add(button = new JButton("Lucky Numbers!"));
 75     button.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder());
 76     button.addActionListener(new HandleControlButton(PICK_LUCKY_NUMBERS));
 77     button.setPreferredSize(buttonSize);
 79     controlPane.add(button = new JButton("Color"));
 80     button.setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder());
 81     button.addActionListener(new HandleControlButton(COLOR));
 82     button.setPreferredSize(buttonSize);
 84     content.add(controlPane);
 85   }
 87   // Class defining custom buttons showing lottery selection
 88   private class Selection extends JButton implements ActionListener {
 89     // Constructor
 90     public Selection(int value) {
 91       super(Integer.toString(value));                                  // Call base constructor and set the label
 92       this.value = value;                                              // Save the value
 93       setBackground(startColor);
 94       setBorder(BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder());              // Add button border
 95       setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80,20));
 96     }
 98     // Handle selection button event
 99     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
100       // Change this selection to a new selection
101       int candidate = 0;
102       while(true) {                                                    // Loop to find a different selection
103         candidate = VALUES[choice.nextInt(VALUES.length)];
104         if(!isCurrentSelection(candidate)) {                           // If it is different
105           break;                                                       // end the loop
106         }
107       }
108       setValue(candidate);                                             // We have one so set the button value
109     }
110     // Set the value for the selection
111     public void setValue(int value) {
112       setText(Integer.toString(value));                                // Set value as the button label
113       this.value = value;                                              // Save the value
114     }
116     // Check the value for the selection
117     boolean hasValue(int possible) {
118       return value==possible;                                          // Return true if equals current value
119     }
121     // Check the current choices
122     boolean isCurrentSelection(int possible) {
123       for(int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_COUNT ; ++i) {                        // For each button
124         if(luckyNumbers[i].hasValue(possible)) {                       // check against possible
125           return true;                                                 // Return true for any =
126         }
127       }
128       return false;                                                    // Otherwise return false
129     }
131     private int value;                                                 // Value for the selection button
132   }
134   // Class defining a handler for a control button
135   private class HandleControlButton implements ActionListener {
136     // Constructor
137     public HandleControlButton(int buttonID) {
138       this.buttonID = buttonID;                                        // Store the button ID
139     }
141     // Handle button click
142     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
143       switch(buttonID) {
144         case PICK_LUCKY_NUMBERS:
145           int[] numbers = getNumbers();                                // Get maxCount random numbers
146           for(int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_COUNT ; ++i) {
147             luckyNumbers[i].setValue(numbers[i]);                      // Set the button VALUES
148           }
149           break;
150         case COLOR:
151           Color color = new Color(
152                 flipColor.getRGB()^luckyNumbers[0].getBackground().getRGB());
153           for(int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_COUNT ; ++i)
154             luckyNumbers[i].setBackground(color);                      // Set the button colors
155           break;
156       }
157     }
159     private int buttonID;
160   }
162   final static int NUMBER_COUNT = 6;                                   // Number of lucky numbers
163   final static int MIN_VALUE = 1;                                      // Minimum in range
164   final static int MAX_VALUE = 49;                                     // Maximum in range
165   final static int[] VALUES = new int[MAX_VALUE-MIN_VALUE+1];          // Array of possible VALUES
166   static {                                                             // Initialize array
167     for(int i = 0 ; i < VALUES.length ; ++i)
168       VALUES[i] = i + MIN_VALUE;
169   }
171   // An array of custom buttons for the selected numbers
172   private Selection[] luckyNumbers = new Selection[NUMBER_COUNT];
173   final public static int PICK_LUCKY_NUMBERS = 1;                      // Select button ID
174   final public static int COLOR = 2;                                   // Color button ID
176   // swap colors
177   Color flipColor = new Color(Color.YELLOW.getRGB()^Color.RED.getRGB());
179   Color startColor = Color.YELLOW;                                     // start color
181   private static Random choice = new Random();                         // Random number generator
182 }


