20172318 2017-2018-2 《程序设计与数据结构》第5周学习总结

20172318 2017-2018-2 《程序设计与数据结构》第5周学习总结




  • 问题1:对于Coin类中flip方法(int)Math.Random()*2;不理解
  • 问题1解决方案:了解了前面的int用于将后面随机数只产生0或1两种结果;乘2是为了让获得0和1的概率相等,我在之后的石头剪刀布软件中运用了这一思想获得三个随机数中其中一个。
  • 问题2:不了解迭代器的定义和方法
  • 问题2解决方案:参考了百科
    https://baike.baidu.com/item/迭代器/3803342?fr=aladdin 再配合课本的描述认识到迭代器是一个访问特定元素的对象,可用于统计等功能


  • 问题1:

  • 问题1解决方案:将if语句后的=号改成==号

  • 问题2:

  • 问题2解决方案:开始以为是;号的问题,后来发现是自己将while首字母大写导致出错

  • 问题3:

  • 问题3解决方案:嗯,卡了很久,最后是因为;;的全角和半角符号错误,而在编写和调试过程中没有注意这个问题

  • 问题4:

  • 问题4解决方案:需要在Math前添加(int)的强制转换符

  • 问题5:pp5.7中无法输入(y/n)进行循环

  • 问题5解决方案:定义两个scan分别表示输入的INT类以及STRING类



  • 错题1
    The behavior of an object is defined by the object's
    A . instance data
    B . constructor
    C . visibility modifiers
    D . methods
    E . all of the above
  • 错题2
    Which of the following reserved words in Java is used to create an instance of a class?
    A . class
    B . public
    C . public or private, either could be used
    D . import
    E . new
  • 错题3
    In order to preserve encapsulation of an object, we would do all of the following except for which one?
    A . Make the instance data private
    B . Define the methods in the class to access and manipulate the instance data
    C . Make the methods of the class public
    D . Make the class final
    E . All of the above preserve encapsulation
  • 错题4
    Consider a sequence of method invocations as follows: main calls m1, m1 calls m2, m2 calls m3 and then m2 calls m4, m3 calls m5. If m4 has just terminated, what method will resume execution?
    A . m1
    B . m2
    C . m3
    D . m5
    E . main
  • 错题5
    Instance data for a Java class
    A . are limited to primitive types (e.g., int, float, char)
    B . are limited to Strings
    C . are limited to objects(e.g., Strings, classes defined by other programmers)
    D . may be primitive types or objects, but objects must be defined to be private
    E . may be primitive types or objects
  • 错题6
    Consider a Rational class designed to represent rational numbers as a pair of int's, along with methods reduce (to reduce the rational to simplest form), gcd (to find the greatest common divisor of two int's), as well as methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Why should the reduce and gcd methods be declared to be private.
    A . Because they will never be used
    B . Because they will only be called from methods inside of Rational
    C . Because they will only be called from the constructor of Rational
    D . Because they do not use any of Rational's instance data
    E . Because it is a typo and they should be declared as public
  • 错题7
    What happens if you declare a class constructor to have a void return type?
    A . You'll likely receive a syntax error
    B . The program will compile with a warning, but you'll get a runtime error
    C . There's nothing wrong with declaring a constructor to be void
    D . The class' default constructor will be used instead of the one you're declaring
    E . None of the above
  • 错题8
    Java methods can return more than one item if they are modified with the reserved word continue, as in public continue int foo( ) { ... }
    A . true
    B . false
  • 错题9
    Every class definition must include a constructor.
    A . true
    B . false


代码行数(新增/累积) 博客量(新增/累积) 学习时间(新增/累积) 重要成长
目标 5000行 30篇 400小时
第一周 128/128 1/1 12/12
第二周 212/340 1/2 18/30
第三周 206/546 1/3 20/50
第四周 483/1029 2/5 40/90
第五周 633/1662 1/6 30/120

