

  • select  *  from  表名;  (G)
  • select  col1,col2,col3  from  表名   where  id=1;
  • select cid as id,caption as c from class;只影响结果集,不影响原始集(物理上)
  • select cid,caption ,1 from class; 结果集中多一列,列名及内容都是1
mysql> select * from lx.class;   #没有选择数据库
| cid | caption  |
|   1 | 材料一班 |
|   2 | 材料二班 |
|   3 | 材料三班 |
|   4 | 任丘     |
|   5 | 李三     |


  • and、or、not   值  is   值
  • > 、 <、  !=、  =
  • (not)in  (1,2,5)或in (select  col  from  表)
  • between  3  and  8注:闭区间


mysql> select cid as id,caption as c from class;
| id | c        |
|  1 | 材料一班 |
|  2 | 材料二班 |
|  3 | 材料三班 |
|  4 | 任丘     |
|  5 | 李三     |

mysql> select * from class limit 3;  #前3行
| cid | caption  |
|   1 | 材料一班 |
|   2 | 材料二班 |
|   3 | 材料三班 |

mysql> select * from class limit 1,3;  #第一行后的三行数据
| cid | caption  |
|   2 | 材料二班 |
|   3 | 材料三班 |
|   4 | 任丘     |

mysql> select * from class limit 3 offset 1;  #同上
| cid | caption  |
|   2 | 材料二班 |
|   3 | 材料三班 |
|   4 | 任丘     |


mysql> select * from students order by id ;  #默认是升序或...order  by  id  asc
| id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
|  1 | 鲤鱼   |       | 1991-01-01 00:00:00 |          |
|  3 | ee     |        | 2017-01-01 00:00:00 |         |
|  4 | mike   |        | NULL                |          |
|  5 | ldh    |       | 2016-05-09 00:00:00 |         |
|  6 | res    |        | 2016-08-09 00:00:00 |          |
mysql> select * from students order by id desc;  #降序
| id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
|  6 | res    |        | 2016-08-09 00:00:00 |          |
|  5 | ldh    |       | 2016-05-09 00:00:00 |         |
|  4 | mike   |        | NULL                |          |
|  3 | ee     |        | 2017-01-01 00:00:00 |         |
|  1 | 鲤鱼   |       | 1991-01-01 00:00:00 |          |


select distinct * from students ;  #注意区分重复行和不重复行的区别

条件:select *  from  表名  where  条件;where后条件为真的行显示在结果集中


mysql> select * from students where id>3 and not birthday is null; +----+------+--------+---------------------+----------+ | id | name | gender | birthday | isDelete | +----+------+--------+---------------------+----------+ | 5 | ldh |  | 2016-05-09 00:00:00 |  | | 6 | res | | 2016-08-09 00:00:00 | | +----+------+--------+---------------------+----------+





mysql> select * from students where name like 'e%';
| id | name | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
|  3 | ee   |        | 2017-01-01 00:00:00 |         |




mysql> select * from students where id in(1,3,6);
| id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
|  1 | 鲤鱼   |       | 1991-01-01 00:00:00 |          |
|  3 | ee     |        | 2017-01-01 00:00:00 |         |
|  6 | res    |        | 2016-08-09 00:00:00 |          |

mysql> select * from students where id between 2 and 5;  #原始集中没有id=2
| id | name | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
|  3 | ee   |        | 2017-01-01 00:00:00 |         |
|  4 | mike |        | NULL                |          |
|  5 | ldh  |       | 2016-05-09 00:00:00 |         |

空判断:is null,is  not  null


mysql> select * from students where birthday  is null;
| id | name | gender | birthday | isDelete |
|  4 | mike |        | NULL     |          |

mysql> select * from students where birthday  is not null;
| id | name   | gender | birthday            | isDelete |
|  1 | 鲤鱼   |       | 1991-01-01 00:00:00 |          |
|  3 | ee     |        | 2017-01-01 00:00:00 |         |
|  5 | ldh    |       | 2016-05-09 00:00:00 |         |
|  6 | res    |        | 2016-08-09 00:00:00 |          |


渐变 --> 突变