

SNN仿真时长:timesteps = int(time / network.dt)  # 100

class EnvironmentPipeline(BasePipeline):
    # language=rst
    Abstracts the interaction between ``Network``, ``Environment``, and environment
    feedback action.

    def __init__(
        network: Network,
        environment: Environment,
        action_function: Optional[Callable] = None,
        encoding: Optional[Callable] = None,
        # language=rst
        Initializes the pipeline.

        :param network: Arbitrary network object.
        :param environment: Arbitrary environment.
        :param action_function: Function to convert network outputs into environment inputs.
        :param encoding: Function to encoding input.

        Keyword arguments:

        :param str device: PyTorch computing device
        :param encode_factor: coefficient for the input before encoding.
        :param int num_episodes: Number of episodes to train for. Defaults to 100.
        :param str output: String name of the layer from which to take output.
        :param int render_interval: Interval to render the environment.
        :param int reward_delay: How many iterations to delay delivery of reward.
        :param int time: Time for which to run the network. Defaults to the network's
        :param int overlay_input: Overlay the last X previous input
        :param float percent_of_random_action: chance to choose random action
        :param int random_action_after: take random action if same output action counter reach

        super().__init__(network, **kwargs)

        self.episode = 0

        self.env = environment
        self.action_function = action_function
        self.encoding = encoding

        self.accumulated_reward = 0.0
        self.reward_list = []

        # Setting kwargs.
        self.num_episodes = kwargs.get("num_episodes", 100)
        self.output = kwargs.get("output", None)
        self.render_interval = kwargs.get("render_interval", None)
        self.plot_interval = kwargs.get("plot_interval", None)
        self.reward_delay = kwargs.get("reward_delay", None)
        self.time = kwargs.get("time", int(network.dt)) # 100
        self.overlay_t = kwargs.get("overlay_input", 1)
        self.percent_of_random_action = kwargs.get("percent_of_random_action", 0.0)
        self.encode_factor = kwargs.get("encode_factor", 1.0)

        if torch.cuda.is_available() and self.allow_gpu:
            self.device = torch.device("cuda")
            self.device = torch.device("cpu")

        # var for overlay process
        if self.overlay_t > 1: # pass
            self.overlay_time_effect = torch.tensor(
                [i / self.overlay_t for i in range(1, self.overlay_t + 1)],
        self.overlay_start = True

        if self.reward_delay is not None: # pass
            assert self.reward_delay > 0
            self.rewards = torch.zeros(self.reward_delay)

        # Set up for multiple layers of input layers.
        self.inputs = [
            for name, layer in network.layers.items()
            if isinstance(layer, AbstractInput)

        self.action = torch.tensor(-1, device=self.device)
        self.last_action = torch.tensor(-1, device=self.device)
        self.action_counter = 0
        self.random_action_after = kwargs.get("random_action_after", self.time) # 100

        self.voltage_record = None
        self.threshold_value = None
        self.reward_plot = None
        self.first = True

        self.analyzer = MatplotlibAnalyzer(**self.plot_config)

        if self.output is not None:
                Monitor([self.output], ["s"], time=self.time),

            self.spike_record = {
                self.output: torch.zeros((self.time, self.env.action_space.n)).to(

    def init_fn(self) -> None:

    def train(self, **kwargs) -> None:
        # language=rst
        Trains for the specified number of episodes. Each episode can be of arbitrary
        while self.episode < self.num_episodes:

            for _ in itertools.count():
                obs, reward, done, info = self.env_step()

                self.step((obs, reward, done, info), **kwargs)

                if done:

                f"Episode: {self.episode} - "
                f"accumulated reward: {self.accumulated_reward:.2f}"
            self.episode += 1

    def env_step(self) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, float, bool, Dict]:
        # language=rst
        Single step of the environment which includes rendering, getting and performing
        the action, and accumulating/delaying rewards.

        :return: An OpenAI ``gym`` compatible tuple with modified reward and info.
        # Render game.
        if (
            self.render_interval is not None
            and self.step_count % self.render_interval == 0

        # Choose action based on output neuron spiking.
        if self.action_function is not None:
            self.last_action = self.action
if torch.rand(1) < self.percent_of_random_action: # 0.0
# 随机选择动作 self.action
= torch.randint( low=0, high=self.env.action_space.n, size=(1,) )[0] elif self.action_counter > self.random_action_after: # 100
# 当存在多次重复动作时,选择新动作
if self.last_action == 0: # last action was start b self.action = 1 # next action will be fire b tqdm.write(f"Fire -> too many times {self.last_action} ") else: self.action = torch.randint( low=0, high=self.env.action_space.n, size=(1,) )[0] tqdm.write(f"too many times {self.last_action} ") else: self.action = self.action_function(self, output=self.output)
# 当动作重复时,动作计数器增加;当动作改变时,动作计数器清零;
if self.last_action == self.action: self.action_counter += 1 else: self.action_counter = 0 # Run a step of the environment. obs, reward, done, info = self.env.step(self.action) ### ### # obs: ([1, 1, 80, 80]) # Set reward in case of delay. if self.reward_delay is not None: # pass self.rewards = torch.tensor([reward, *self.rewards[1:]]).float() reward = self.rewards[-1] # Accumulate reward. self.accumulated_reward += reward info["accumulated_reward"] = self.accumulated_reward return obs, reward, done, info def step_( self, gym_batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, float, bool, Dict], **kwargs ) -> None: # language=rst """ Run a single iteration of the network and update it and the reward list when done. :param gym_batch: An OpenAI ``gym`` compatible tuple. """ obs, reward, done, info = gym_batch ### ### # obs: ([1, 1, 80, 80]) if self.overlay_t > 1: # pass if self.overlay_start: self.overlay_last_obs = ( obs.view(obs.shape[2], obs.shape[3]).clone().to(self.device) ) self.overlay_buffer = torch.stack( [self.overlay_last_obs] * self.overlay_t, dim=2 ).to(self.device) self.overlay_start = False else: obs = self.overlay_next_stat = torch.clamp( self.overlay_last_obs - obs, min=0 ).to(self.device) self.overlay_last_obs = obs.clone() self.overlay_buffer = ( self.overlay_buffer[:, :, 1:], self.overlay_next_stat.view( [ self.overlay_next_stat.shape[2], self.overlay_next_stat.shape[3], 1, ] ), ), dim=2, ) obs = ( torch.sum(self.overlay_time_effect * self.overlay_buffer, dim=2) * self.encode_factor ) # Place the observations into the inputs. if self.encoding is None: # pass obs = obs.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) obs_shape = torch.tensor([1] * len(obs.shape[1:]), device=self.device) inputs = { k: self.encoding( obs.repeat(self.time, *obs_shape).to(self.device), device=self.device, ) for k in self.inputs } else: obs = obs.unsqueeze(0) inputs = { k: self.encoding(obs, self.time, device=self.device) for k in self.inputs } ### ### # inputs['Input Layer']: ([100, 1, 1, 1, 80, 80]) # self.time = 100, e.g. reward = 0.0 # Run the network on the spike train-encoded inputs., time=self.time, reward=reward, **kwargs) if self.output is not None: self.spike_record[self.output] = ([self.output].get("s").float() ) if done: if is not None: accumulated_reward=self.accumulated_reward, steps=self.step_count, **kwargs, ) self.reward_list.append(self.accumulated_reward) def reset_state_variables(self) -> None: # language=rst """ Reset the pipeline. """ self.env.reset() self.accumulated_reward = 0.0 self.step_count = 0 self.overlay_start = True self.action = torch.tensor(-1) self.last_action = torch.tensor(-1) self.action_counter = 0 def plots(self, gym_batch: Tuple[torch.Tensor, float, bool, Dict], *args) -> None: # language=rst """ Plot the encoded input, layer spikes, and layer voltages. :param gym_batch: An OpenAI ``gym`` compatible tuple. """ if self.plot_interval is None: return obs, reward, done, info = gym_batch for key, item in self.plot_config.items(): if key == "obs_step" and item is not None: if self.step_count % item == 0: self.analyzer.plot_obs(obs[0, ...].sum(0)) elif key == "data_step" and item is not None: if self.step_count % item == 0: self.analyzer.plot_spikes(self.get_spike_data()) self.analyzer.plot_voltages(*self.get_voltage_data()) elif key == "reward_eps" and item is not None: if self.episode % item == 0 and done: self.analyzer.plot_reward(self.reward_list) self.analyzer.finalize_step()