
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/netfilter.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>


void analyzeIPHeader(struct iphdr* ip_hdr)
printk("***********IP Header*********** ");
printk("%30s: 0x%02x ", "Version",

printk("%30s: 0x%02x (%u) ", "Header Length(Bytes)",

printk("%30s: 0x%02x ", "Type of service",

printk("%30s: 0x%04x (%u) ", "Total Length(Bytes)",

printk("%30s: 0x%04x (%u) ", "Identification",

printk("%30s: 0x%04x (%u) ", "Fragment Offset",

printk("%30s: 0x%02x ", "Time to live",

printk("%30s: 0x%02x", "Protocol",

if (ip_hdr->protocol == 0x11)
printk(" [UDP] ");
else if (ip_hdr->protocol == 0x06)
printk(" [TCP] ");
else if (ip_hdr->protocol == 0x01)
printk(" [ICMP] ");
else if (ip_hdr->protocol == 0x02)
printk(" [IGMP] ");

printk("%30s: 0x%04x ", "Header Checksum (CRC)",

printk("%30s: %u:%u:%u:%u ", "Source IP Address",
*(unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)&ip_hdr->saddr) + 0),
*(unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)&ip_hdr->saddr) + 1),
*(unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)&ip_hdr->saddr) + 2),
*(unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)&ip_hdr->saddr) + 3)

printk("%30s: %u:%u:%u:%u ", "Destination IP Address",
*(unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)&ip_hdr->daddr) + 0),
*(unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)&ip_hdr->daddr) + 1),
*(unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)&ip_hdr->daddr) + 2),
*(unsigned char*)(((unsigned char*)&ip_hdr->daddr) + 3)


unsigned int hook_func(unsigned int hooknum,
struct sk_buff *skb,
const struct net_device *in,
const struct net_device *out,
int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
struct sk_buff *sb = skb;
struct iphdr *iph ;

if (sb != NULL)
iph = ip_hdr(sb);

// printk("sk_buff : 0x%08x ip_hdr : 0x%08x ", sb, iph);
if (iph != NULL)
// printk("ip: %d:%d ", iph->saddr, iph->daddr);

return NF_ACCEPT;

static struct nf_hook_ops hook_ops = {
.hook = hook_func,
.pf = PF_INET,
.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FIRST,

static int pslist_init()
printk("################################################################### ");

// analyzeRegisters();
// analyzeUMANode();
// analyzeProcesses();
// analyzePhysicalPages();
// analyzeTaskPgd();
// cpuidTest();
// netanalyze();
return 0;

static void pslist_exit()
printk("################################################################### ");



[ 3026.194484] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3026.194487] Version: 0x04
[ 3026.194489] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3026.194490] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3026.194491] Total Length(Bytes): 0x7c00 (31744)
[ 3026.194492] Identification: 0xdd24 (56612)
[ 3026.194493] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3026.194494] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3026.194494] Protocol: 0x11 [UDP]
[ 3026.194496] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x0f3e
[ 3026.194497] Source IP Address: 10:64:1:55
[ 3026.194498] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3026.439485] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3026.439489] Version: 0x04
[ 3026.439490] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3026.439491] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3026.439492] Total Length(Bytes): 0x2800 (10240)
[ 3026.439493] Identification: 0xde24 (56868)
[ 3026.439494] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3026.439495] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3026.439496] Protocol: 0x06 [TCP]
[ 3026.439497] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x5d03
[ 3026.439499] Source IP Address: 115:239:210:151
[ 3026.439500] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3026.746484] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3026.746495] Version: 0x04
[ 3026.746503] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3026.746504] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3026.746505] Total Length(Bytes): 0x2800 (10240)
[ 3026.746506] Identification: 0xdf24 (57124)
[ 3026.746507] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3026.746508] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3026.746509] Protocol: 0x06 [TCP]
[ 3026.746510] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x7b11
[ 3026.746511] Source IP Address: 180:149:131:210
[ 3026.746513] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3028.557038] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3028.557042] Version: 0x04
[ 3028.557043] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3028.557044] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3028.557045] Total Length(Bytes): 0x2800 (10240)
[ 3028.557046] Identification: 0xe024 (57380)
[ 3028.557047] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3028.557048] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3028.557049] Protocol: 0x06 [TCP]
[ 3028.557050] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x6329
[ 3028.557052] Source IP Address: 61:160:226:222
[ 3028.557053] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3028.617738] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3028.617742] Version: 0x04
[ 3028.617743] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3028.617744] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3028.617746] Total Length(Bytes): 0x2800 (10240)
[ 3028.617747] Identification: 0xe124 (57636)
[ 3028.617748] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3028.617749] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3028.617749] Protocol: 0x06 [TCP]
[ 3028.617751] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x74ca
[ 3028.617752] Source IP Address: 58:221:68:143
[ 3028.617753] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3028.624231] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3028.624234] Version: 0x04
[ 3028.624235] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3028.624236] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3028.624237] Total Length(Bytes): 0x2800 (10240)
[ 3028.624238] Identification: 0xe224 (57892)
[ 3028.624239] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3028.624240] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3028.624241] Protocol: 0x06 [TCP]
[ 3028.624243] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x6fef
[ 3028.624244] Source IP Address: 58:216:31:152
[ 3028.624245] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3030.353175] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3030.353179] Version: 0x04
[ 3030.353180] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3030.353181] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3030.353182] Total Length(Bytes): 0x2800 (10240)
[ 3030.353183] Identification: 0xe324 (58148)
[ 3030.353184] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3030.353185] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3030.353186] Protocol: 0x06 [TCP]
[ 3030.353187] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x6203
[ 3030.353188] Source IP Address: 115:239:210:141
[ 3030.353190] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3030.353785] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3030.353787] Version: 0x04
[ 3030.353788] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3030.353788] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3030.353790] Total Length(Bytes): 0x2800 (10240)
[ 3030.353790] Identification: 0xe424 (58404)
[ 3030.353791] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3030.353792] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3030.353793] Protocol: 0x06 [TCP]
[ 3030.353794] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x6103
[ 3030.353795] Source IP Address: 115:239:210:141
[ 3030.353797] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3030.354357] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3030.354358] Version: 0x04
[ 3030.354359] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3030.354360] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3030.354361] Total Length(Bytes): 0x2800 (10240)
[ 3030.354362] Identification: 0xe524 (58660)
[ 3030.354363] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3030.354364] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3030.354365] Protocol: 0x06 [TCP]
[ 3030.354366] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x6003
[ 3030.354367] Source IP Address: 115:239:210:141
[ 3030.354368] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3030.682150] ***********IP Header***********
[ 3030.682154] Version: 0x04
[ 3030.682155] Header Length(Bytes): 0x05 (5)
[ 3030.682157] Type of service: 0x00
[ 3030.682158] Total Length(Bytes): 0x2800 (10240)
[ 3030.682159] Identification: 0xe624 (58916)
[ 3030.682160] Fragment Offset: 0x0000 (0)
[ 3030.682160] Time to live: 0x40
[ 3030.682161] Protocol: 0x06 [TCP]
[ 3030.682163] Header Checksum (CRC): 0x5f03
[ 3030.682164] Source IP Address: 115:239:210:141
[ 3030.682165] Destination IP Address: 127:0:0:1
[ 3035.425863] ###################################################################



为了尽快地执行完中断服务例程的Top Half,一旦将sk_buff保存到队列中,就马上返回。





