「音乐」Taylor Swift—the lakes (bonus track)


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o2-IAIFO_VCMUMKoeQcs1w 提取码: 8kcs


[ ext{作词 : Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift} ]

[ ext{作曲 : Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift} ]

[ ext{Is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me?} ]

[ ext{倘若我所作的哀歌都尽数用于称颂自己 这是否足够浪漫} ]

[ ext{I'm not cut out for all these cynical clones} ]

[ ext{我并不与那些带着同一副面孔的愤世嫉俗者们同流} ]

[ ext{These hunters with cell phones} ]

[ ext{也不属于那些用手机掌控着网络风向的舆论捕手们} ]

[ ext{ake me to the lakes, where all the poets went to die} ]

[ ext{请把我带去山脊下的湖畔吧 在那所有诗人甘愿走向覆灭之处} ]

[ ext{I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you} ]

[ ext{可我不曾属于那里 而我亲爱的 那也同样不是你的归宿} ]

[ ext{Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry} ]

[ ext{温德米尔湖旁那些高耸的山峰 似乎是绝佳的神伤落泪之地} ]

[ ext{I'm setting off, but not without my muse} ]

[ ext{我便动身出发 与我迸发的灵感火花同行} ]

[ ext{What should be over burrowed under my skin} ]

[ ext{在我的皮囊之下 又有何秘密值得世人不断探寻} ]

[ ext{In heart-stopping waves of hurt} ]

[ ext{心中的痛苦如翻滚浪涛般将我吞噬} ]

[ ext{I've come too far to watch some namedropping sleaze} ]

[ ext{我已尽全力从那些损毁声誉的欺诈中逃出生天} ]

[ ext{Tell me what are my words worth} ]

[ ext{告诉我 我自证清白的辩解是否还有一丝价值} ]

[ ext{Take me to the lakes, where all the poets went to die} ]

[ ext{请把我带去山脊下的湖畔吧 在那所有诗人甘愿走向覆灭之处} ]

[ ext{I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you} ]

[ ext{可我不曾属于那里 而我亲爱的 那也同样不是你的归宿} ]

[ ext{Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry} ]

[ ext{温德米尔湖旁那些高耸的山峰 似乎是绝佳的神伤落泪之地} ]

[ ext{I'm setting off, but not without my muse} ]

[ ext{我便动身出发 与我迸发的灵感火花同行} ]

[ ext{I want auroras and sad prose} ]

[ ext{我憧憬着曙光再次降临 来与伤感的散文句落应和} ]

[ ext{I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet} ]

[ ext{我盼望一睹紫藤的枝叶 蔓延缠绕我的赤足} ]

[ ext{'Cause I haven't moved in years} ]

[ ext{因为我已停驻于此蹉跎太多岁月} ]

[ ext{And I want you right here} ]

[ ext{多希望你能在这里陪我共度} ]

[ ext{A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground} ]

[ ext{一支娇嫩的红玫瑰从冰封的大地中破土而出} ]

[ ext{With no one around to tweet it} ]

[ ext{因为无人在周围对它的生长议论纷纷} ]

[ ext{While I bathe in cliffside pools} ]

[ ext{当我沐浴在悬崖边的水池中时} ]

[ ext{With my calamitous love and insurmountable grief} ]

[ ext{我招致灾祸的爱意与无法抗拒的悲伤都一齐沉入水下} ]

[ ext{Take me to the lakes, where all the poets went to die} ]

[ ext{请把我带去山脊下的湖畔吧 在那所有诗人甘愿走向覆灭之处} ]

[ ext{I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you} ]

[ ext{可我不曾属于那里 而我亲爱的 那也同样不是你的归宿} ]

[ ext{Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry} ]

[ ext{温德米尔湖旁那些高耸的山峰 似乎是绝佳的神伤落泪之地} ]

[ ext{I'm setting off, but not without my muse} ]

[ ext{我便动身出发 与我迸发的灵感火花同行} ]

[ ext{No, not without you} ]

[ ext{没错 我无法与你分离} ]
