
Install JDK
    Download JDK and install them. The least version should be 1.5. I use 1.6. Sorry, no instruction for this.
安装Eclipse3.3,记住一定要是Java EE Developer版本的。
Install Eclipse 3.3
    Download Eclipse 3.3 from www.eclipse.org. I use Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. You should at least use Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.
    Extract the downloaded zip file into C:/Program Files/Eclipse.
    Open C:/Program Files/Eclipse folder.
    Right click and drag eclipse.exe on to your desktop (or Windows taskbar) to create a shortcut icon.
    返回到桌面,右键快捷方式属性,在目标中加入 -vm 和 jdk路径
    Right click the shortcut icon and choose Properties. The Eclipse Properties window will show.
    The Target textbox should read something like this "C:\Program Files\Eclipse\eclipse.exe" -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin\javaw" depending on the JDK that you use and where you installed it.
    Close the Eclipse Properties window.
Install Subversive Plugin
    Double-click the shortcut icon to start Eclipse.
    Select/enter your preferred workspace and click OK to open Eclipse main IDE window.
    Click on the Workbench icon to close the welcome screen.
    选择菜单Help--Install New Softwares,点击work with文本框下方右侧的"Available Software Sites",点击Add site,在Name中输入Spark,在Location中输入http://www.polarion.org/projects/subversive/download/1.1/update-sit
    返回到Install窗体,在Work with中输入Spark,在复选框中选择Subversive Client Libraries和Subversive SVN Tean Provider Plugin两个选项。然后点下一步,直到完成为止。
    Click Help::Software Updates::Find and Install... menu.
    Click on Search for new features to install and click Next.
    Click on New Remote Site... button.
    Enter Subversive in the Name box and http://www.polarion.org/projects/subversive/download/1.1/update-site in the URL box (Check the latest URL from http://www.eclipse.org/subversive website), then click OK.
    Click Finish to install Subversive. Eclipse will search for the update site and show the result in a next window where you will select the features to install. I choose everything under Subversive SVN Team Provider Plugin and Subversive Client Libraries.
    Click Next to continue and so on until the installation ends. You normally want to restart Eclipse when the installation ends.
Check Out Spark SVN
    选择菜单Windows--Open Perspective--Other--SVN Repository Exploring--ok,
    Click Windows::Open Perspective::Other... menu.
    Click on SVN Repository Exploring on the Open Perspective window and click OK.
    在SVN Repository Exploring窗体中,右键选择New--Repository Location
    Right-click on SVN Repositories screen and choose New::Repository Location...
    On New Repository Location enter http://svn.igniterealtime.org/svn/repos in the URL box and click Finish. You'll see the URL location in the SVN Repositories screen.
    Expand the URL location.
    Expand the spark tree.
    选择trunk,右键check out,然后等待,估计会花费很长时间
    Right-click on trunk and choose Check Out. Make yourself some Mocha while waiting for the checkout to complete.
Create Spark Project
    选择菜单Window--Open PerspectiveJava menu
    Click Window::Open Perspective::Java menu.
    In the Project Explorer screen, if there is a spark project, delete it. This project was created during the Spark check out process. Yes you read it correctly, DELETE the project!!! Otherwise you'll have to setup your Spark development environment manually. On the Confirm Project Delete choose Do not delete contents, then click Yes.
    选择菜单File--New--Project--Java--Java Projec,从现有项目创建Spark项目
    Click File::New::Project... Notice the ellipses!!!
    Select Java::Java Project and click Next.
    On the New Java Project window choose Create project from existing source and browse to where spark folder is located under your workspace.
    In the Project name box enter exactly as spark. Otherwise, the Next and Finish button remain disabled. Click on Next. Eclipse will read the directory structure to setup the environment automatically (almost) for you and you can see what it does on the next screen. Then click on Finish.
    If the Open Associated Perspective windows opens, click Yes.
Build Spark
    选择菜单Window--Show View--Ant menu
    Click Window::Show View::Ant menu.
    在Ant窗体中右键选择Add Buildfiles...
    Right-click the Ant screen and choose Add Buildfiles...
    Expand the spark::build folder and select build.xml, then click OK.
    在Ant窗体下展开全部,双击release(default),此时源代码就会自动编译,也可能会发生错误,可能是你在chek out时正好遇到的bug,不要担心,过一两天再次check out即可。
    On the Ant screen, expand the Spark and double-click on release ant task. The build may fail because you're checking out the daily updates of Spark sources, which may contain bugs. If so, wait for another day and hope that the developers discover and fix the bug; or you might dare to fix it yourself. During this first time setup, a successful build is necessary before you can proceed with the remaining tasks below.
Create Project Builder
    Click Run::Open Run Dialog... or Run::Open Debug Dialog... menu. A Run window shows.
    Select Java Application and click on the New button.
    On the Main tab of the Run window, change the New_configuration name to Spark or anything you like.
    Click on Project::Browse button and select spark and click OK.
    Click on Main class::Search button and select Startup - org.jivesoftware.launcher and click OK.
    I'd suggest that you select Stop in main check box so that you could later verify that debugging works.

Click on Classpath tab.
    Select User Entries so that the Advanced... button will be enabled.
    Click on the Advanced... button.
    On the Advanced Options window select Add Folders and click OK.
    On the Folder Selection window select spark::src::resources folder and click OK.
    Click on Common tab.
    Select the Debug and Run check box.
    Click on Apply button.
    Click on Close button.
    The setting is now complete for Spark.
    You may test running and debugging by clicking on Run::Run History::Spark and Run::Debug History::Spark respectively. If you choose the later and if you follow this instruction closely, execution will stop in the main method of Startup.java.

