IE9+ BUG汇总

CSS透明没有继承 css opacity is not inherited in internet explorer

今儿遇到一个问题源于同事写的一个页面,发现父级明明 opacity:0 了,但子级还显示,原来是 IE9+ 的一个 BUG;影响版本: IE9/IE10/IE11


Elements will not inherit their parent’s opacity in IE for no good reason. This can lead to unexpected behaviour when you want to fade/hide an element and all its children.

To fix it, give the element defining the opacity a non-static positioning. For example:

.foo {
  opacity: 0.2;
  position: relative; // for IE

While the linked article describes this problem for IE9 and below, I have encountered the same issue in IE10 and IE11.

Just go away, Internet Explorer!

IE11 Fixed Background image scrolling issue

BUG 描述:如果背景设置在子元素上,滚动屏幕就会晃动,如果设置在 body 上,不会;(background-attachment:fixed internet explorer 11 odd up & down jiggle [duplicate])



1. 关闭 IE 的平滑滚动设置 via

2.添加以下修复代码 via

if(navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident/7./)) {
        $('body').on("mousewheel", function () {

            var wheelDelta = event.wheelDelta;

            var currentScrollPosition = window.pageYOffset;
            window.scrollTo(0, currentScrollPosition - wheelDelta);
// 亲测有效

3. 更多讨论 via


 1 /* 这种写法在 IE11 上没有动画,transform 被覆盖 */
  .animated{ 2 -webkit-animation: moveUp .8s 2.5s forwards cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.08, 0.36, 0.96); 3 animation: moveUp .8s 2.5s forwards cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.08, 0.36, 0.96); 4 -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); 5 transform: translateZ(0) 6 } 7 8 @keyframes moveUp{ 9 0%{transform: translateY(0);} 10 50%{transform: translateY(100%);} 11 100%{transform: translateY(-100%);opacity: 0;} 12 }

var a = [];"[object Array]"===toString.apply(a);//调用的对象无效(IE11)

var a = [];"[object Array]"===toString.apply(a);//true(Chrome/Firefox)

var a = [];"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.apply(a);//all true

IE上 input[type=text] 如果只设置 line-height:50px; 容器不会有 50px 高,需要添加 height:50px,而 Chrome 下会是 50px

IE11 getBoundingClientRect Unspecified error.
