Welcome to Fan Ouyang’s website!

Welcome to Fan Ouyang’s website!



2013-2018年 明尼苏达大学,教育与人类发展学院,课程与指导系,学习技术专业。

2007-2018年 中南林业科技大学计算机与通信工程学院,讲师。



主要研究目为以下三方面:(1)利用学习分析技术深入理解在线和混合式教与学过程,尤其是协作学习和教学过程,(2)发展创新的教学设计和策略,例如教师-学生协作伙伴关系,以促进以学习者为中心的学习模式, 以及(3) 开发技术支持的工具,例如学习分析工具,来支持混合式和在线教学过程。

欧阳璠博士在教育技术顶级学术期刊(如,The Internet and Higher Education, British Journal of Educational Technology)发表论文数篇。定期参加教育及教育技术学界主要学术会议,同时担任会议论文同行评审,例如Association for Educational Communications & Technology Convention (AECT),International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Annual Conference (LAK),American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA),Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL)。担任顶级学术期刊(例如,Computers & Education, International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference)同行评审工作。


  1. 社交网络分析方法在计算机支持的协作学习中的应用
  2. 利用教师-学生合作伙伴关系提高以学生为中心的学习
  3. 开发并应用社交-认知学习分析工具提高在线协作学习
  4. 基于知识构建理论的协作学习过程研究(合作学生:胡玥,张宇灵)


  1. Cyberlearning: Connecting web annotations and progressive online discourse in science classrooms, principal investigator Dr. Bodong Chen
  2. 大专栏  Welcome to Fan Ouyang’s website!>The SciGirls Code project, co-principal investigator Dr. Cassie Scharber
  3. Student discussion engagement with social learning analytics, principal investigator Dr. Bodong Chen
  4. Youth engagement in technology-integrated settings, co-principal investigator Dr. Cassie Scharber


Ouyang, F. & Chang, Y. H. (2019). The relationship between social participatory role and cognitive engagement level in online discussions. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(3), 1396–1414.

Chen, B., Chang, Y. H., Ouyang, F., & Zhou, W. Y. (2018). Fostering discussion engagement through social learning analytics. The Internet and Higher Education, 37, 21-30. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iheduc.2017.12.002

Ouyang, F. & Scharber, C. (2017). The influences of an experienced instructor’s discussion design and facilitation on an online learning community development: A social network analysis study. The Internet and Higher Education, 35, 33-47. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iheduc.2017.07.002

Scharber, C., Pazurek, A., & Ouyang, F. (2017). Illuminating the (in) visibility of female scholars: A gendered analysis of publishing rates within educational technology journals from 2004 to 2015. Gender and Education, 1-29. doi: 10.1080/09540253.2017.1290219

Ouyang, F. (2016). Applying the polysynchronous learning to foster the student-centered learning in the higher education context: A blended course design. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 6(3), 52-68. doi: 10.4018/IJOPCD.2016070105









李旭 (合作导师:陈文智教授,计算机) 孙丹(主导师:李艳教授,教育技术)


