K3 老单序时簿增加按钮的方法以及老单序时簿插件开发

生产任务单ID:36 FmenuID=90 

select FID,FmenuID,* from iclisttemplate where Fname LIKE '%外购入库%' 


select * from t_MenuToolBar 

select * from ictransactiontype 

Delete From t_MenuToolBar Where FToolID = 10002 
insert into t_MenuToolBar ( FToolID,FName,FCaption,FCaption_CHT,FCaption_EN,FImageName,FToolTip,FToolTip_CHT,FToolTip_EN,FControlType,FVisible,FEnable,FChecked,FShortCut,FCBList,FCBList_CHT,FCBList_EN,FCBStyle,FCBWidth,FIndex,FToolCaption,FToolCaption_CHT,FToolCaption_EN) 
values (10002,'FMenuPC1','任务单ID','任务单ID','任务单ID','39','任务单ID','任务单ID','任务单ID',0,0,1,0,0,'','','',0,0,0,'任务单ID','任务单ID','任务单ID') 

select * from t_BandToolMapping where fid=90 
Delete From t_BandToolMapping where FBandID=18 and FToolID = 10002 and FID = 82 
insert into t_BandToolMapping (FID,FBandID,FToolID,FSubBandID,FIndex,FComName,FBeginGroup) 
values (82,18,10002,0,65,'|ICMOListBill.ListBill',0) 

Delete From t_BandToolMapping where FBandID=52 and FToolID = 10002 and FID = 82 
insert into t_BandToolMapping (FID,FBandID,FToolID,FSubBandID,FIndex,FComName,FBeginGroup) 
values (82,52,10002,0,65,'|ICMOListBill.ListBill',0) 

Update IclistTemplate 
set FLogicStr=FLogicStr+ Case When Right(FLogicStr,1)='|' then 'V:FMenuPC1' else '|V:FMenuPC1' end 
where FID =1 and not FLogicStr like '%FMenuPC1%' 
Private Declare Function GetCurrentProcessId Lib "kernel32" () As Long 

Public Sub MainFunction(ByVal sKey As String, oList As Object, ByRef bCancel As Boolean) 
Dim cnn As String 
Dim strSql As String 
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection 
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset 

Dim oDataSrv As Object 
Dim oBill As Object 

If sKey = "FMenuPC1" Then 
cnn = Left(GetConn, InStr(1, GetConn, "}") - 1) 
cnn = Mid(cnn, 16) 

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection 
With cn 
.ConnectionString = cnn 
End With 

strSql = "select FSourceInterid from icstockbillentry where finterid=" & oList.ListSelectBillinfo(1)("FInterID") & " and fentryid=" & oList.ListSelectBillinfo(1)("FEntryid") 
Set rs = cn.Execute(strSql) 

If Not rs.EOF Then 
Set oDataSrv = CreateObject("K3ClassTpl.DataSrv") 
oDataSrv.ClassTypeID = 288888808 

Set oBill = CreateObject("K3SingleClassBill.ClassInfoManager") 
With oBill 
.DataSrv = oDataSrv 
.ISNetControl = True 
.ISCheckRight = True 
.Show rs("FSourceInterid"), , 0 
'Show 参数类型 
'第一个参数 Optional ByVal lID As Long = 0 ;描述修改或查看的单据ID 
'第二个参数 Optional ByVal bShowGroup As Boolean = False ;如是基础资料时,是否显示分组 
'第三个参数 Optional ByVal BillStatus As Long = Enu_BillStatus_New ;显示方式 0-查看;1-新增;2-修改 
'第四个参数 Optional ByVal dctData As KFO.Dictionary '单据初始值 
End With 

Set oDataSrv = Nothing 
Set oBill = Nothing 

End If 

Set rs = Nothing 
Set cn = Nothing 

End If 
End Sub 

Private Function GetConn() As String 
Dim lProc As Long 
lProc = GetCurrentProcessId() 
Set spmMgr = CreateObject("PropsMgr.ShareProps") 

If IsObject(spmMgr.GetProperty(lProc, "PropsString")) Then 
GetConn = spmMgr.GetProperty(lProc, "PropsString") 
GetConn = spmMgr.GetProperty(lProc, "PropsString") 
End If 

Set spmMgr = Nothing 
Exit Function 
End Function 
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