php 判断美国zip code


function validstatezip($state, $zip5)
$allstates = array (
"AK" => array ("9950099929"),
"AL" => array ("3500036999"),
"AR" => array ("7160072999", "7550275505"),
"AZ" => array ("8500086599"),
"CA" => array ("9000096199"),
"CO" => array ("8000081699"),
"CT" => array ("0600006999"),
"DC" => array ("2000020099", "2020020599"),
"DE" => array ("1970019999"),
"FL" => array ("3200033999", "3410034999"),
"GA" => array ("3000031999"),
"HI" => array ("9670096798", "9680096899"),
"IA" => array ("5000052999"),
"ID" => array ("8320083899"),
"IL" => array ("6000062999"),
"IN" => array ("4600047999"),
"KS" => array ("6600067999"),
"KY" => array ("4000042799", "4527545275"),
"LA" => array ("7000071499", "7174971749"),
"MA" => array ("0100002799"),
"MD" => array ("2033120331", "2060021999"),
"ME" => array ("0380103801", "0380403804", "0390004999"),
"MI" => array ("4800049999"),
"MN" => array ("5500056799"),
"MO" => array ("6300065899"),
"MS" => array ("3860039799"),
"MT" => array ("5900059999"),
"NC" => array ("2700028999"),
"ND" => array ("5800058899"),
"NE" => array ("6800069399"),
"NH" => array ("0300003803", "0380903899"),
"NJ" => array ("0700008999"),
"NM" => array ("8700088499"),
"NV" => array ("8900089899"),
"NY" => array ("0040000599", "0639006390", "0900014999"),
"OH" => array ("4300045999"),
"OK" => array ("7300073199", "7340074999"),
"OR" => array ("9700097999"),
"PA" => array ("1500019699"),
"RI" => array ("0280002999", "0637906379"),
"SC" => array ("2900029999"),
"SD" => array ("5700057799"),
"TN" => array ("3700038599", "7239572395"),
"TX" => array ("7330073399", "7394973949", "7500079999", "8850188599"),
"UT" => array ("8400084799"),
"VA" => array ("2010520199", "2030120301", "2037020370", "2200024699"),
"VT" => array ("0500005999"),
"WA" => array ("9800099499"),
"WI" => array ("4993649936", "5300054999"),
"WV" => array ("2470026899"),
"WY" => array ("8200083199"));

// if you use a drop down list for state selection, ensuring valid data,
// isset is not needed. (Warnings can not be turned off with: @foreach...)

if (isset($allstates[$state]))
foreach($allstates[$state] as $ziprange)
if (($zip5 >= substr($ziprange, 0, 5)) && ($zip5 <= substr($ziprange,5)))
$valid = "TRUE";
return ($valid); // on match, jump out of foreach early :)
$valid = "FALSE";
return ($valid);
function get_zip_info($zip) { //Function to retrieve the contents of a webpage and put it into $pgdata
$pgdata =""; //initialize $pgdata
$fd = fopen("$zip","r"); //open the url based on the user input and put the data into $fd
while(!feof($fd)) {//while loop to keep reading data into $pgdata till its all gone
$pgdata .= fread($fd, 1024); //read 1024 bytes at a time
fclose($fd); //close the connection
if (preg_match("/is not currently assigned/", $pgdata)) {
$city = "N/A";
$state = "N/A";
else {
$citystart = strpos($pgdata, "Code</th></tr><tr><td align=center>");
$citystart = $citystart + 35;
$pgdata = substr($pgdata, $citystart);
$cityend = strpos($pgdata, "</font></td><td align=center>");
$city = substr($pgdata, 0, $cityend);

$statestart = strpos($pgdata, "</font></td><td align=center>");
$statestart = $statestart + 29;
$pgdata = substr($pgdata, $statestart);
$stateend = strpos($pgdata, "</font></td><td align=center>");
$state = substr($pgdata, 0, $stateend);
$zipinfo[zip] = $zip;
$zipinfo[city] = $city;
$zipinfo[state] = $state;
return $zipinfo;

<form action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<input type="text" name="zip" maxlength="5" size="4">
<input type="submit" value="Find Zip Info">
<? } else {
$works = get_zip_info($_POST['zip']);
echo "Zip Code: ".$works[zip]."<br>City: ".$works[city]."<br>State: ".$works[state];
